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7. Notifications on Cooperating Medical Institutions

Last Updated December 20, 2024

About notification about Cooperating Medical Institutions in 2024

In accordance with the revision of the nursing care fee in fiscal 2024, "We will confirm the response to sudden changes in the condition of a resident with Cooperating Medical Institutions at least once a year, and regarding the name and arrangement of the medical institution, etc. It is mandatory to notify the local government that has designated the business establishment ".
[Requirements for Cooperating Medical Institutions]
1. In the event that the medical condition of the resident changes suddenly, etc., a system for doctors or nursing staff to provide consultation is always secured.
2. When there is a request for medical treatment, always secure a system for medical treatment.
3. In the event that the medical condition of the resident changes suddenly, a doctor must provide medical treatment and secure a system to accept hospitalization for residents who are deemed to require hospitalization in principle.

Subject services

・(Prevention of nursing care) Residents of specific facilities
・Community-based specific facility resident life care
(Nursing care prevention) Dementia-response cohabitation care (I would like application from link.)
・Nursing homes for the elderly
・Community-based nursing home for the elderly living care
・Nursing care facilities for the elderly
・Nursing care clinics
・Nursing homes for the elderly
・Light-paying nursing homes

Notification method

Yokohama City Electronic Application System
URL: (outside site)
※Please submit Attachment 1 or Attachment 3 as Excel.
※File name in Attachment 1 or Attachment 3 should be “Name of the facility.xlsx”.

notification period

From Friday, December 13, 2024 to Friday, January 31, 2025

required documents

registration form on Cooperating Medical Institutions (Attachment 1) (Excel: 65KB)
registration form on Cooperating Medical Institutions (Attachment 3) (Excel: 65KB)
※Please submit (Attachment 3) for community-based type and (Attachment 1) for other services.
・Documents showing the details of cooperation with each Cooperating Medical Institutions (copy of agreement, etc.)
・Others required documents (Please attach required documents only to offices requested by Yokohama City)

Other notes, etc.

・Regarding the establishment of Cooperating Medical Institutions that meets the requirements in nursing homes for the elderly, community-based nursing homes for the elderly, nursing homes for the elderly, nursing homes for the elderly, nursing homes for the elderly, nursing homes for the elderly, and nursing homes for the elderly, until March 31, 2027 (there is no transitional period for light-paid nursing homes).

・(Prevention of long-term care) It is a duty of effort to establish Cooperating Medical Institutions that meets the requirements in nursing care, community-based specific facility resident life care, and (prevention of long-term care) dementia-responsive cohabitation care.

・Even if the Cooperating Medical Institutions that satisfies the requirements is not specified at the time of preparation and submission of this notification, it is necessary to submit this notification at the business sites of the above eligible services. If Cooperating Medical Institutions has not been able to meet the requirements stipulated in each facility standard, please state in registration form the future plan to secure the Cooperating Medical Institutions that meets the requirements.

・If there is any change in the Cooperating Medical Institutions or the agreement, please resubmit this notification with the revised content (accepted at any time). At the same time, please submit a “Notification of Change” separately from this notification. (Please download the "Notification of Change" from the page of each service. As a general rule, please submit the “Notification of Change” by electronic application system or mail within 10 days after the change. )

Please refer to the link below for details.

Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Elderly Health and Welfare Department Senior Facilities Division

Telephone: 045-671-3923

Telephone: 045-671-3923

Fax: 045-641-6408

Email address:

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Page ID: 779-849-178


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