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Consultation on housing environment

Last Updated January 17, 2019

The story of the air in the room

(1) Are you in a clean air?

Compared to old wooden houses, today's houses have an airtight structure with less airborne changes due to the spread of aluminum sashes. Especially in condominiums, the amount of air that can be naturally replaced is very small. In addition, when using an air conditioner or stove, it is always easy to close the windows. It may seem surprising, but there are many sources in the room that pollute the air. In a highly airtight house, if not ventilated, the air will gradually become dirty.

(2) Comfortable temperature conditions

The temperature we feel comfortable is said to be between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius. When heating the room in winter, you can use this temperature as a guide, but there are points to be careful about summer cooling. If you suddenly enter a low-temperature room from a hot place, your body's adjustment function will not work well. This is called "cooling disease". In order to prevent "cooling disease", when cooling, make sure that the difference from the outside air should be within 5 degrees.

(3) What is a substance that pollutes indoor air?…

A floating dust
Tobacco smoke and house dust are drifting in the air as small particles. Cigarette smoke contains carcinogens.
B Carbon monoxide
It is produced when oil and gas is burned without oxygen. It is extremely highly toxic and causes fatal accidents.
Carbon oxide
It is produced by human breathing and burning oil and gas. Although the harm is low, it can be used as a guide for air pollution.
D. Nitrogen oxides
It is produced when oil or gas burns. It can be a factor such as chronic bronchitis and worsen asthma.
It causes pain in the eyes, nose, and sore throat, dermatitis, and headache.

  • When you smoke (a i-e o'clock)
  • Using a gas stove or oil stove (a U.e)
  • Human breathing (c)
  • Furniture, building materials, and carpets

(4) In order to clean the air in your room

A. As little as little as possible substances that pollute air
Use heating equipment that keeps the air in your room as much as possible. An FF type (compulsory air supply / exhaust type) stove or electric heater does not make the air in the room. Try not to smoke as much as possible in your room.
B. Frequently ventilation
When cooling and heating, open the window once or twice an hour for about 5 minutes and refill the air in the room. When using a gas stove or instantaneous water heater, be sure to turn the ventilation fan.

2 Wetness of air

In order for us to be comfortable, the air is necessary to be moderately moist. The degree of moisture in the air is expressed as a percentage of humidity. If the humidity is too low, your throat will sore throat or catch a cold. The right humidity is between 40 percent and 60 percent.

(1) About condensation

There are water droplets on the outside of the cup with cold drinks. This is the condensation. The same thing is happening in the house. When humid air touches a cold wall or ceiling, water drops are attached to it. When condensation occurs, the walls will stain and mold will grow.

  • Condensation is more likely to occur under the following conditions.
  • The room is high in the room
  • Low ventilation volume
  • The temperature difference between the south and north sides of the house is large.

(2) To prevent condensation

  • To prevent condensation, be aware of the following:
  • Do not use too much humidifiers
  • Ventilate frequently
  • Improve the ventilation of the intrusion

3 mold in the house

Some molds are useful, such as koji molds that make sake and soy sauce, but it is a problem if they grow in a house. Not only during the rainy season, but also throughout the year is the season of mold growth.

(1) There are so many mold damage

  • Get sick
  • Make food bad
  • Damage to homes and furniture
  • There is a risk of mites to grow

(2) Four conditions for mold to grow

  • Have a source of nutrition
  • Humidity (more than 80%)
  • Temperature is high (20 to 30 degrees)
  • Poor ventilation

(3) Important points to prevent mold

  • Drain moisture from the kitchen or bathroom to the outside so that it does not fall into the house.
  • The temperature difference in the house is minimized and not condensation. (Use insulation is used for walls and roofs)
  • Dry futton
  • For intrusion, lay the door a little open.
  • Improve ventilation (ventilation) (All year)
  • Use dehumidifiers and dehumidifiers

(4) If mold grows.

  • Alcohol for disinfection (ethanol) in cotton wool and wipe it off.
  • Use mold remover. (Be sure to read the instructions.)

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