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Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Council

Last Updated August 5, 2024

What is a Bright Election Promotion Council? ▼Introduction of activities of the Bright Election Promotion Council ▼Composition contest ▼Lending of election equipment ▼Past election results

Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Council Mascot Character Erabo

It is a private organization that works for clean elections and total participation in voting without fraud, and is set up in prefectures and municipalities nationwide. Yokohama City has a bright election promotion council in the city and each ward.

The Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Council is engaged in activities aimed at "clean elections" and "active participation in voting" through educational activities on the streets during elections and the opening of educational booths at residents' festivals.

1. Promotion Member Training Workshop

 Understand the purpose of the Meishokyo Movement, such as "clean elections", "active participation in voting", etc., and conduct workshops to improve the skills of promotion members and expand the circle of bright elections in the community. .

2. Senkyo Forum

 As an opportunity to think about political and election issues and discuss, we carry out on-site classes and mock voting for elementary schools in the city.
 Consider the contents of the mock voting for each school, and choose the theme to be feasible.
 “Overview of the 2024 Senkyo Forum” (PDF: 540KB)

~ To elementary school teachers~
 If you would like to apply for the Senkyo Forum, please fill out the application form below and send it to the Aoba Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section.
 If you have any questions, please contact the Aoba Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section.
“Delivery class / mock voting application form” (style) (word: 40KB)

3. Inhabitant of a ward festival

 We open booth in Aoba inhabitant of a ward festival and carry out distribution of glabo goods or mock voting and raise interest in politics, election of inhabitants of a ward.

4. Aoba Icott Communication

 We publish public information paper which published report of state of implementation of business and news about election.

Icott communication

Icott Communication No. 81

No. 81 (August 2024 issue) (PDF: 960KB)

~Comming soon~~Comming soon~

Icott Communication No. 78

No. 78 (June 2023 issue) (PDF: 1,262KB)

Icott Communication No. 79

No. 79 (November 2023 issue) (PDF: 1,892KB)

Icott Communication No. 80

No. 80 (November 2024 issue) (PDF: 1,367KB)



[Creation of Erabo goods (enlightenment goods)]
 We will create original goods using Aoba Ward's original election mascot "Erabo" and distribute them at events.
Click here for Erabo goods.

•Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Composition Competition 2024 manuscript paper (PDF: 391KB)
•Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Composition Competition 2024 Application Guidelines (PDF: 754KB)

[Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Composition Competition 2024 manuscript paper and application guidelines have been uploaded] new!
We hold Aoba Ward bright election promotion composition contest again this year! We look forward to your application from junior high school students in the city again this year. For more information, please refer to the application guidelines.
※When printing manuscript paper, be sure to print it with "A3". Also, if double-sided printing is possible, please prepare "short side binding".

≪A collection of past works≫
Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Composition Competition 2023 Works (PDF: 3,117KB)
Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Composition Competition 2022 Works (PDF: 1,618KB)
Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Composition Competition 2021 Works (PDF: 1,477KB)
Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Composition Competition 2020 Works (PDF: 932KB)

~ To elementary, junior high and high school teachers, and other local residents ~
The Aoba Ward Bright Election Promotion Council lends ballot boxes and entry stands, as well as banners, armbands, chestbands, etc. used for election campaigns throughout the year. Through the use of voting equipment used in actual elections, we would like to raise interest in the election and to have a good opportunity to learn the importance and significance of the election. Please use it.
Especially in student council elections, etc., it is a good opportunity for students to be interested in the election, face seriously, and learn the importance and significance of the election while having an experience close to the actual election, so please use it .
For more information, please contact Aoba Ward General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section.

Aoba-ku, Yokohama,Statistics and Elections Section, General Affairs Division
Phone: 045-978-2205
FAX: 045-978-2410
[Lending Equipment]
・Description table
・Ballot box
・Armband for motors
・Election Commission armband
・White rose breastplate
・Up flag
・Flag rod
[How to use equipment borrowing books and election equipment]

We counted the turnout for each polling place in Aoba Ward in the immediate election.

Please confirm turnout of the whole Yokohama-shi in Yokohama-shi HP "various election data".

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    For inquiries to this page

    Aoba Ward Election Administration Commission Office

    Phone: 045-978-2205

    Phone: 045-978-2205

    Fax: 045-978-2410

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    Page ID: 281-127-978

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