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[Recruitment end] About offer of Tsurumi Kagetsuen Park local action support subsidy

Application has been closed in fiscal 2022.

Last Updated April 1, 2023

Overview of Subsidiary System

For details of the program, please be sure to check the application guidelines.


Tsurumi Kagetsuen Park, which opened in November 2021, aims to become a "park where all Tsurumi residents gather, relax, work, and get close to each other." A subsidy will be issued to support activities performed by groups.

Target companies, etc.

An organization composed mainly of three or more inhabitants of a ward (resident, working, attending school) (not applicable if the members are only related to family members, etc.)

Target business

(1) Projects with high public interest that are planned and implemented independently and independently
(2) Businesses that are consistent with the business promoted by the ward or businesses that contribute to solving problems in the ward
(3) The implementation place is the Ohara of Tsurumi Kagetsuen Park, and a project that has received permission to act in the park
※As road around park is under construction now, please talk about scale and contents of business.

Large field image of Tsurumi Kagetsuen Park

Supplementary contents

Up to 30,000 yen (within 9/10 of subsidized expenses)
※In calculating the subsidy amount, fractions of sum less than 1,000 yen shall be rounded down.
※Subsidies are limited to use within the year in which the grant decision was received. It cannot be carried over to the next fiscal year.

Application Guidelines

When applying, please read the application guidelines carefully and consult with the person in charge first.
Application guidelines are distributed at the ward office.

How to apply

As we confirm requirements or business plan of group in application, please talk with ward office Planning and Adjustment Section first before submitting documents.

Application documents

(1) Tsurumi Kagetsuen Park Local Activities Support Subsidy Grant Application (first style) (word: 21KB)
(2) Business plan (second style) (word: 20KB) or alternative documents (business name, purpose, contents, range of use, equipment to use, schedule)
(3) Income and expenditure budget book (third style) (word: 20KB)
(4) Group summary book (fourth style) (word: 21KB)
(5) Copy of act permit in park
(6) Other documents deemed necessary by Director General

Application acceptance period

From Friday, April 1, 2022 until the budget limit for FY2022 is reached (excluding weekends and holidays).
In Reception hours, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (except noon to 1 p.m.)

Submission address

Please contact us in advance and bring it directly to the ward office Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section (3rd floor on the 5th floor of the ward office building) and submit it (in principle, mail or e-mail documents are not accepted).

Schedule after delivery is decided

Determination of grant or non-grant

After receiving the grant application, we will examine it and notify the granting organization by the "Subsidy Grant Decision Letter" and the non-granting organization by the "Subsidy Non-grant Decision Letter".

Changes in Business Plans

If there is a change in the business plan after receiving the subsidy grant decision, please submit the "Business Plan Change Application" immediately.

Business Performance Report

Please submit reports on the results of your activities after the end of the project.
(1) Tsurumi Kagetsuen Park Local Activities Support Subsidy Results Report (No. 9 style) (word: 20KB)
(2) Business report (No. 10 style) (word: 19KB)
(3) Income and Expenditure Statement (No. 11 style) (word: 21KB)
(4) Copy of documents proving expenditure such as receipts
(5) Materials related to other business

Grant of subsidies

Once you submit the report documents and the subsidy amount is finalized, please submit a “Subsidy Grant Invoice”. A subsidy will be issued within 30 days from the date of receiving the appropriate invoice.


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Inquiries to this page

Tsurumi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Telephone: 045-510-1678

Telephone: 045-510-1678

Fax: 045-504-7102

Email address:

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Page ID: 211-935-778

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