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Town Disaster Prevention Organization Operation Manual

Last Updated July 20, 2023

Town Disaster Prevention Organization Operation Manual

In preparation for a disaster, the town's disaster prevention organization (Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, Residential Association, etc.) has created the “Maintenance Manual for Disaster Prevention Organizations in the Town,” which outlines basic activities so that disaster prevention activities in normal times and responses in the event of a disaster.
Please correct the necessary parts according to the characteristics of the region and the structure of the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.

<Form download>
〇 Town disaster prevention organization operation manual (main part, template) (word: 152KB)
〇 (Attachment 1) Disaster prevention organization organization chart (word: 19KB)
〇 (Attachment 2) Disaster prevention organization check sheet of town (word: 261KB)
〇 (Attachment 3) Initial activity flowchart (word: 76KB)

Collection of Disaster Prevention Organization Activities in the Town “Yokohama's“ reduce disaster damage ”Idea”

This is a collection of cases that can be used as a reference for the activities of the disaster prevention organization in the town, and used as a reference for future activities. Please take advantage of it.

Efforts to support people requiring assistance during a disaster

This is an initiative to protect those who need assistance during a disaster (such as the elderly and those with disabilities) throughout the region.
By signing an agreement with the ward office, a list of people requiring assistance owned by the government can be kept at Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association.
For details, please refer to the "Support for People Needing Assistance during Disasters" page.

Inquiries to this page

Sakae Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Telephone: 045-894-8312

Telephone: 045-894-8312

Fax: 045-895-2260

Email address:

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Page ID: 474-886-622

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