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Takeharu Yamanaka, The Mayor of Yokohama
Mayor's room top

Mayor's room top

Greetings were given at "All Pre-Cure Parade" on Sunday, September 24.

Last Updated October 5, 2023

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the popular anime series "PreCure", a total of 78 pre-cures gathered in Yokohama, where a parade took place in Nippon-Maru Memorial Park, Nihon Odori Avenue and Yokohama-Chinatown.
After that, a masterpiece dance stage show held in Kannnai Hall performed live viewing at the city hall, which was enjoyed by preschool children and parents.
Approximately 40,000 people came in all venues, and it was a day full of smiles in the town.
The "Pre-Cure" 20th anniversary event will be followed by "All Pre-Cure Exhibition" and "All Pre-Cure Live".
Going forward, we will continue to enhance the appeal of Yokohama through various projects.
(For details, please refer to the press release.)

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