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Environmental Accounting

Last Updated October 23, 2024

Environmental Accounting [Fiscal 2022 Results]

 "Environmental accounting" is a mechanism to quantify and publish as much as possible how much cost has been invested and how much effect has been obtained for environmental conservation initiatives such as global warming countermeasures. (Aggregation range: water supply business and industrial water supply business).

Environmental conservation costs (costs in environmental conservation initiatives)                                            [5,037,510,000 yen (FY2022)] (¥3,794.16 million (FY2021))

 The investment in the construction of facilities and equipment for environmental measures was 1,528.51 million yen, and the cost of maintenance and management of facilities was 3,509 million yen. These are approximately 4 percent of Water Works Bureau's spending in fiscal 2022 (approximately 120 billion yen).
 The main components of this investment were: 815.23 million yen for the redevelopment of water purification plants and 523.21 million yen for the prevention of pollution and conservation for the replacement of power-saving pump equipment.
 The cost consists of 819.42 million yen for the treatment of wastewater sludge from water treatment plants, 814.92 million yen for the prevention of pollution, 814.92 million yen for the improvement of the environment for dam lakes, etc., conservation for the global environment, and 1,637.85 million yen for the recycling of construction waste.

Table 1
ClassificationMain InitiativesInvestments (Thousands of yen)Costs (Thousands of yen)
(1) Costs in Business AreasCosts incurred by Water Works Bureau's business activities from water sources to faucets1,528,5063,272,184



①Pollution prevention costsRedevelopment of Nishiya Water Purification Plant, wastewater sludge treatment of water purification plant815,227819,416
②Global environment conservation costRenewing to power-saving pump equipment, improving the environment of dam lakes, managing water source forests, etc.523,208814,922
③Resource recycling costs

Purchase of recycled water meters, recycling of construction waste materials, waste disposal, water leakage prevention measures, etc.

(2) Cost of management activitiesOutsourcing of weeding work, publicizing water supply business, etc.0229,290
(3) Cost of social activitiesPR of water source forests, subsidies for volunteers for Doshi water source forests, etc.07,530

Environmental conservation effect (environmental impact prevention effect)                                                    [17,563t-CO2 (FY2022)] (18,000t-CO2 (FY2021))

 As a result of our efforts to preserve the environment, such as the use of power-saving equipment and the management of water source forests, we achieved a reduction of 17,563 tons in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
 This is equivalent to the amount of CO2 emitted by 6,834 households (explanatory notes) in one year. In addition, 151,652 tons of debris generated during construction were recycled, and 321,486 tons of recycled materials were used as construction materials to make effective use of resources.
Note: Annual CO2 emissions per household 2.57 tons (from the Ministry of the Environment's “Summary of Survey Results of Statistics on CO2 Emissions in the Home Sector in FY2022 (Preliminary figures)”)

Table 2                                           
Greenhouse gas reduction effectUnit: t-CO2
①Introduction of equipment
Reduction effect of environmental impact substances
Emission prevention through the use of power-saving equipment
(Power-saving pumps, small hydroelectric power generation, solar power generation)
②From business activities
Accompanying conservation effect
Prevention of discharge due to prevention of water leakage161
Amount absorbed by water source forests14,576
Total amount of reduction17,563

Table 3          
Environmental conservation effects through effective use of resourcesUnit: t
③Effective use of resourcesRecycling of debrisAsphalt139,792
Use of recycled materialsRecycled asphalt130,019
Recycled crushed stone191,467

Economic effects (revenues from environmental conservation measures and cost reduction)                                               [616.64 million yen (FY2022)] (1,773,020,000 yen (FY2021))

 As a result of our efforts to preserve the environment, the total amount of profits obtained and cost reductions was 616.64 million yen.
 Revenues amounted to 158.23 million yen for waste recycling, such as the sale of water meters, and 38.08 million yen for small hydro and solar power sales.
 Cost savings amounted to 291.47 million yen for the use of recycled materials in construction and 121.28 million yen for the use of power-saving equipment.

Table 4
Contents of Economic EffectsUnit: 1,000 yen
Net incomeRecycling of waste158,225
Small hydroelectric power generation and solar power generation38,075
Cost reductionUse of recycled materials in construction and reuse of generated soil291,467
Utilization of power-saving equipment (power-saving pumps, small hydroelectric power generation, solar power generation)121,281
Prevention of water leakage7,593

Environmental burden until tap water is delivered

 In order to deliver safe and high-quality water, Water Works Bureau consumes a lot of energy, including electricity, and emits greenhouse gases such as CO2.
 Tables 5 and 6 represent the energy and resources (= inputs) consumed before water is delivered using dams and rivers as water sources, and the substances emitted (= outputs).

Table 5
Energy and resources consumed (input)

❶~ ❶ Water intake and water supply
Water from dams and rivers
Water is taken to the water purification plant.
I'm carrying it.

❹Purified water
The turbidity and smell of raw water
Remove and tap water
I'm making it.

❺~ Water transmission and distribution
Water is stored in the reservoir.
Through water pipes
It will be delivered to your home.

Total amount of input
Power: 21,249 thousand kWh
Fuel: 3,825ℓ
Gas: 373m3
Chemicals: 253t
Power: 71,805 thousand kWh
Fuel: 27,259ℓ
Gas: 2,449m3
Chemicals: 11,680t

Power: 38,133 thousand kWh
Fuel: 108,757ℓ
Gas: 66,192m3

Power: 131,187 thousand kWh
Fuel: 139,841ℓ
Gas: 69,014m3
Chemicals: 11,933t
  1. Power is mainly used as power for pump equipment. Yokohama City uses 173 pumps to send water to high altitude areas due to the undulating terrain and the fact that the Banyu River system, one of the water sources, is taken from the lower part of the Sagami River. You.
  2. Fuel and gas are used in public vehicles and operations at each business site.
  3. Chemicals (sodium hypochlorite, etc.) are mainly used in water purification plants to remove and disinfect impurities contained in raw water.
  4. Power consumption is 0.32 kWh per 1m3 of tap water (water supply business only).

Figure until tap water is delivered

Table 6
Substances discharged (outputs)
❶~ ❶ Water intake and water supply❹Purified water❺~ Water transmission and distributionTotal output

<Greenhouse gas>

<Greenhouse gas>
Waste generated from water purification treatment

<Greenhouse gas>
Water works generated soil

<Greenhouse gas>
Waste generated from water purification treatment
Water works generated soil
  1. More than 90% of the greenhouse gas emissions in Water Works Bureau are from electricity consumption.
  2. Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated based on the “Emission Factors by Electricity Companies” published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
  3. This report is based on the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005 published by the Ministry of the Environment.

Environmental Initiatives

Please refer to this file for information on Water Works Bureau's environmental initiatives.
Water Works Bureau and the Environment <Environmental Initiatives> (PDF: 943KB)

<For previous years>

Financial Results for FY2021

Financial Results for FY2020

For inquiries regarding water supply, please contact the Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center.

Water Works Bureau Customer Service Center

Telephone: 045-847-6262 Fax: 045-848-4281
※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

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Corporate Planning Division, Water Works Bureau Management Department

Telephone: 045-671-4887

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Page ID: 432-288-787


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