

Here's the text.

5th Yokohama City Housing Policy Council

Last Updated February 16, 2023



Report summary version

Committee member list

Deliberation History

Deliberation History
MeetingDate of the eventPublic/non-publicDetails of deliberationsOutline of the proceedings
7thNovember 13, 2015Publication
  1. About report (draft)
  2. Exchange of opinions
  3. Others
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 234KB)
6thAugust 26, 2015Publication
  1. About evaluation, inspection of living life basic plan, report (draft)
  2. Exchange of opinions
  3. Others
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 273KB)
5thJune 15, 2015Publication
  1. Municipal Housing's “Future Role and Concept of Supply”
  2. Exchange of opinions
  3. Others
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 266KB)
4thMarch 26, 2015Publication
  1. Municipal Housing's “Future Role and Concept of Supply”
  2. Intermediate arrangement
  3. Exchange of opinions
  4. Others
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 258KB)
3rdJanuary 15, 2015Publication
  1. About "future role and concept of supply" of housing for the elderly
  2. Exchange of opinions
  3. Others
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 255KB)
2ndOctober 30, 2014Publication
  1. Direction of the Role of Municipal Housing
  2. Municipal Housing's supply direction
  3. Exchange of opinions
  4. Others
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 249KB)
1stJuly 22, 2014Publication
  1. About the overall structure of the council
  2. Trends in Housing Policy
  3. Exchange of opinions
  4. Others
Outline of the proceedings (PDF: 247KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Housing Policy Division, Building Bureau Housing Department

Telephone: 045-671-3975

Telephone: 045-671-3975

Fax: 045-641-2756

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