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Reduction of food loss by using nudge

Last update date April 10, 2023

What is a nudge? ?

A nudge, one of the behavioral economics, is a method that encourages people to change their behavior with a little trick.
In recent years, it has been used in various fields such as health and medical care, education, and marketing.
For example,
・By conducting a campaign to print fortunes on the back of the label on the plastic bottle, you can get the label peeled.
・Reduce littering by making ashtrays into a ballot box.
There are examples of this.

A must-see for restaurants! "Idea Book" to reduce food loss

In order to reduce food loss at restaurants, we have collected nudges that can be used in the restaurant.
Let's reduce food loss and aim for cost reduction!

Food Loss Reduction Idea Book

Demonstration experiments using nudges (conducted in FY2021)

Demonstration experiments to reduce food loss in restaurants

Some survey results show that more than half of the food loss caused by the restaurant industry, so-called restaurants, is leftover food.
In this project, we conducted a demonstration experiment to see if we could reduce the amount of leftover food at restaurants by encouraging actions such as ordering appropriate amounts (do not rely too much) and eating (not leftover food) to reduce leftover food at restaurants.


Based on a partnership agreement with zetton, we conducted demonstration experiments at the following two stores between September and December 2021.

◆Aloha Table Collette Male Minatomirai

◆10, Yamate Pavilion

Analysis and Results


A summary of the demonstration experiment is summarized in a video centered on interviews with store staff.
[Let's reduce food loss through initiatives that utilize nudge]


The outline, analysis, and results of the survey are summarized in a report. (Created in March 2022)
You can download it from the bottom.

Business report to promote action to reduce food loss using nudges


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