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Overview of Chubu Wastewater Treatment Plant

Last Updated July 2, 2024

Overview of Chubu Water Reclamation Center (Chubu Mizusaisei)

Photographs of Chubu Wastewater Treatment Plant Main Gate

Chubu Wastewater Treatment Plant Aerial Photography

Photograph of exterior of Chubu Wastewater Treatment Plant Water Treatment Facility

The Chubu Water Reclamation Center is a planned treatment area of 942 ha in most of the Naka Ward and a part of the Minami Ward area.
This center started operation as the first sewage treatment plant in Motoichi in April 37, Showa 37 (Nen) (Kaishi).
Then, in November 1942, in response to the spread of water washing (Saisenka), and in March of Showa (Showa) 1961 (Nen) In March, the processing capacity will be expanded due to the expansion of the target area (taisho-kuiki).
In addition, from April 2005 (Nen), the Chubu Sewage Treatment Plant (Chubuge Suishorijo) became the Chubu Water Reclamation Center.
Most of the Chubu Processing Zone (Chubushoriku) is maintained by a combined sewer system, so in March (Heisei) 2nd year (Nen) We have set up rainwater reservoirs in two places (shonai) in the hall.
In addition, Yamashita (Yamashita), which was installed in October 1962 (Nen) to control inundation in the Kannai and Yamashita districts (Kannai Yamashitaku). The pumping station is operated by a remote monitoring and control device.

Inquiries to this page

Sewer River Bureau Sewerage Facilities Department Chubu Wastewater Treatment Plant

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