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Children "Eco Activity." Great strategy! 2024

Environmental behavior of elementary school students leads to environmental conservation overseas. In addition, companies will support the efforts of elementary school students.

Last Updated December 26, 2024

Children "Eco Activity." Great strategy! What is

 In summer, elementary school students (4th and 5th graders) in Yokohama will use the Eco-Life Check Sheet to engage in environmental activities such as conservation and 3Rs on energy conservation and biodiversity. Companies support these efforts, and donate funds from companies to environmental conservation activities overseas through the United Nations WFP Association. Children and companies work toward the same goal of "protecting the earth's environment."

"Eco Activity" for elementary school students

Aim :Think about environmental issues from familiar actions in everyday life
Target: Elementary school students in the city (4th and 5th graders)
Contents: Have them take on various environmental actions, such as "frequent opening and closing of water taps" and "confirming the expiration date".
Initiatives Period: From July to August

Eco-Life Check Sheet (PDF: 2,909KB)
Eco-life check sheet (word: 16KB) ※The Word version does not include illustrations.
▶[Development] "What's going on? Read "Environment in Yokohama" and think about initiatives to protect the environment!

Image of Eco-Life Check Sheet

Support for Companies

Members of the Yokohama City Environmental Conservation Council and the Yokohama Chamber of Commerce support and support the efforts of elementary school students.

Global Environment conservation

The funds will be used for tree-planting activities in Mindanao, Philippines, conducted by the United Nations WFP, a food support organization.

Figure of the structure

Results of Initiatives

18,187 elementary school students in the city worked on various environmental activities during the summer vacation using the "Eco-Life Check Sheet"!
92 companies and organizations in the city supported this initiative, and 1.77 million yen was donated to environmental conservation activities in the Philippines.

Participation and Sponsorship Results
Number of participating schools203 schools ※Participating elementary schools refer to the poster for the results report.
Number of participants18,187 people
Number of Sponsored Companies92 companies and organizations ※Please refer to the poster for the results report.
Sponsorship1.77 million yen

Reporting Poster

The surface of the poster reporting results

Back side of the poster

A presentation ceremony for a letter of appreciation was held at the representative school!

At the presentation ceremony of the letter of appreciation
Certificate of Appreciation Presentation Ceremony

 At the morning meeting at Maruyamadai Elementary School in Konan Ward, the United Nations WFP Association and Yokohama presented letters of appreciation.
Date of implementation: Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Location: Maruyamadai Elementary School
Presenter: Mr. So Aoki, Executive Director of the United Nations WFP Association, Harumi Moriyama, Director of Environmental Activities Division, Green Environment Bureau, Yokohama City
 At the presentation ceremony, representatives from elementary school student, 4th and 5th graders, presented their eco-friendly activities and what they would like to do in the future. elementary school student, the 4th grade representative, said, "I was able to sort garbage little by little, conscious of what I learned in class," and elementary school student, the 5th grade representative, said, "I will continue to be aware of what I have done this time, such as saving water, to protect the future."

Contents of support

Image of the seedling received
When the seedlings were received

 Members of the Yokohama City Environmental Conservation Council and the Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which support elementary school students' efforts, donated money to overseas environmental conservation activities conducted by the United Nations Food Support Organization "UN WFP" through the United Nations WFP Association.
 In the Philippines, people are susceptible to climate crisis and natural disasters, making people's lives difficult. The United Nations WFP, which provides food support, supports the daily lives of the people of the Philippines through the protection of mangroves and tree planting activities.

Press release

Results of past efforts

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