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June, 2024

Bookshelf for this month

Last Updated June 1, 2024

Norio Sugita / Author of Hokkaido Shimbun Journal No.: 1122066634 Label symbol: 686

In the past, there was a tram called "Yokohama tram" in Yokohama City, but it was abolished at the end of March 1972. When the roads were flooded with economic growth, the trams that cause traffic congestion were treated as disturbers. In recent years, it has been reviewed around the world as an environmentally friendly means of transportation, and in Japan last year, a new tram opened in Utsunomiya. This book introduces streetcars in nearly 500 regions around the world, including Japan, with color photographs. Various old and new streetcars will delight your eyes.

Yukiko Ose/author Hidekazu System bibliographic number: 1122095158 Label symbol: 596.3

Why don't you make your own pickles that can consume both vegetables and fermented foods at the same time? This book is a collection of pickle recipes that can be made with a little vegetables. From what can be eaten on the day pickled to classic items such as pickled Fukujin, pickled Chinese cabbage, and takuan are introduced. The necessary materials and how to make them are large in print and very easy to see. How to make handmade salt koji and amazake is also posted.

Hajime Hori/author Taiki Mizuno/author Value Books Publishing bibliographic number: 1122086096 Label symbol: 810

If you think carefully about the words you usually use without any discomfort in Japanese, it may be deep. Do you treat helicopters like living things in Japanese? Can you predict the meaning of onomatopoeia from sound? Is there a reason for the Japanese syllabary? Two people on the YouTube channel "Yuru Language Radio" have newly written a topic that they haven't talked about on YouTube in their books. While reading the conversation between the two bouncing like a comic artist, try to add to the fun of Japanese.

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