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May, 2024

Bookshelf for this month

Last Updated June 1, 2024

Michifumi Isoda/author PHP lab bibliographic number: 1122093253 Label symbol: 210.5

Ieyasu Tokugawa has created a clever mechanism so that the system he created would last for a long time. The fact that the Tokugawa Shogunate lasted for 265 years was thanks to the "God's Mechanism" he created. However, even in the system that seemed to be rocky, miscalculation beyond Ieyasu's assumptions occurred, such as the appearance of people and policies that devote the "mechanism" as the times changed, and as a result, the Tokugawa Shogunate was destroyed . In this book, he explains the "mechanism" created by Ieyasu and the process of being taken out of bones, and also describes the "impact of Tokugawa" that remains in modern Japan even after the fall of the Shogunate.

Kazuhisa Ogawa / Bungei Shunju bibliographic number: 1123003572 Label symbol: 319.2

The testimony of the U.S. military commander sparked the theory of Taiwan contingency. In this book, the author, Japan's first military analyst, aimed to "organize the confused Japanese debate in order to prepare for China correctly, rather than panic with the theory of Taiwan contingency based solely on the common sense of Japan." In Q&A format, the analysis of contingency simulations in Taiwan in Japan and the United States, the data of the People's Liberation Army and the ability to execute war, the military power that Japan should have now, and strategies for coexisting with neighbors and China.

Koichi Murata / Supervised Yokohama Green Association bibliographic number: 1122071446 Label symbol: 480

This book is designed to learn about the animals of three zoos in Yokohama (Nogeyama Zoo, Kanazawa Zoo and Yokohama Zoo ZOORASIA). The pictures of the animals are large and the characteristics are well understood. You can also see which animals can meet at which zoo. In this book, as a column, there is a commentary on what the zoo is working to protect the creatures, how the veterinarian feels during the day of interacting with animals. If you read this book before or after you go to the zoo, you will gain a deeper understanding of animals and zoos.

Matsuo Tomita / Author Shinkansen EX Editorial Department / Ikaros Publishing Journal Number: 1123000905 Label symbol: 536

Shinkansen trains run around the Japanese Islands every day, from Hakodate in the north to Kagoshima in the south. This book introduces not only active vehicles, but also retired vehicles that have been active in the past, test vehicles that are not usually seen, and business vehicles such as "Doctor Yellow" with many photographs. In addition, many of the maintenance cars currently in use are treated as machines without a car registration, but there are also these introduction pages. This book is packed with the history of Shinkansen vehicles, from prototype vehicles running on the Kamonomiya Model Line to the latest E8 series.

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