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Children's Book December 2022

Last Updated December 4, 2024

<Ehon> From Infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Papa Kaizoku no Komori Uta"

Papa Kaizoku no Komori Uta (outside site)
Anton Romaerev / work
Junko Fujiwara / Translation
Nariyama-do Bookstore
Published in June 2022
Number of pages: No page attached
Main unit price: 2,200 yen
There's nothing to do with it, and there's nothing to do with it. Then he began to sing a song with a shyness. "From now on, I'd like to sing you.…"I'm going to see you."

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Ehon> From the lower grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Hojojiroshark"

White shark (outside site)
Asako Numaguchi / sentence
Shunichi Seki / Picture
Gospelkan Bookstore
Published in June 2022
Number of pages: 37p
Main unit price: 1,800 yen
A large shadow that swims in the wide sea. It's a shark. It has a color that melts in the sea, a skin that allows you to swim quickly, a nose that separates a slight smell, and a tooth that is cut off quickly. Even so, the child sharks are sucked by a killer whale or other sharks, leading to life. Only sharks who have lived well can become adults.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story and Literature> From junior high school students

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Children of New Moon"

Children of New Moon (outside site)
Hiraku Saito/author
Ayumi Hanamatsu / Painting
Bronze New Company
Published in June 2022
Number of pages: 310p
Main unit price: 1,700 yen
In the world of dreams, I am a prisoner of death. I don't know why. On the other hand, in reality, I am a fifth grade elementary school student. He turned his eyes off because he was teasing his voice and facing himself. At that time, I met him at school. A little similar to a girl who is trying to help in a dream.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

*The cover image used has been licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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  Look at the previous month / Books introduced so far * Books introduced since September 2000 are posted.

*To parents
Here are some of the books published every month that are recommended by the library.
Please use it widely, from small children to adults, as a compass for enjoying children's books.

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Page ID: 507-670-080


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