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Children's Book June 2022

Last Updated January 15, 2024

<Story and Literature> From the lower grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Display image of "Children of the Nohara Club"

Children of Nohara Club (outside site)
Hoko Takadono / work
Theory Company
Issued in February 2022
Number of pages: 62p
Main unit price: 1,300 yen
Aunt Nohara, who loves Nohara, has created a club where everyone gathers and walks on Nohara. The children who have gathered are very good about grass and flowers. If you read this book, you'll be able to do it. The first work of the "Nohara Club Series".

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

*The cover image used has been licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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  Look at the previous month / Books introduced so far * Books introduced since September 2000 are posted.

*To parents
Here are some of the books published every month that are recommended by the library.
Please use it widely, from small children to adults, as a compass for enjoying children's books.

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Page ID: 377-180-063


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