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Children's Book July 2022

Last Updated January 15, 2024

<Ehon> From Infants

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "I am Tepingie"

I'm a Tepinggy girl's old story of Ehon Haiti (outside site)
Azumi insects/pictures
Hatsue Nakawaki/Respeaking
Issued in February 2022
Number of pages: 31p
Main unit price: 1,700 yen
Once upon a time, there was a child of a woman named Tepingie. One day, a new mother, Hahaya, was trying to find her. Tepingy asked the girls in her class to come to the red Ifuku tomorrow. Well, what did you think about?

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Story and Literature> From the lower grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "Kuma no Pierre"

Bear Pierre (outside site)
Eve Spang Olsen / work
Akirako Hishiki / Translation
Koguma Company
Issued in March 2022
Number of pages: 103p
Main unit price: 1,400 yen
Pierre is a stuffed animal with a small bear. I'm living in Stine's house. I thought the moon was money, and I tried to go to get it, or I was covered with seaweed all over my body when I tried to get it. There are seven stories about Pierre, a hard-working shop, and there are all seven.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

<Chishiki> From the upper grades of elementary school

Cover imageMaterial information and content introduction

Cover image of "First Decarbonization"

Sustainable (outside site) to see and know for the first time decarbonization
Yuka Sunada / Art / Picture
Jun Morikawa / Cooperation
Komine Bookstore
Issued in February 2022
Number of pages: Page 94
Main unit price: 1200 yen
What is "Datsu carbon"? That means "to minimize carbon dioxide emissions (yes) as much as possible." It seems somewhat difficult, but it's important to stop the change of the earth. Solve doubts (gi) questions with easy-to-understand diagrams and illustrations and think about what you can do.

●I'll see you. ●(External site)

*The cover image used has been licensed by the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction is not possible.

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  Look at the previous month / Books introduced so far * Books introduced since September 2000 are posted.

*To parents
Here are some of the books published every month that are recommended by the library.
Please use it widely, from small children to adults, as a compass for enjoying children's books.

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Page ID: 667-055-992


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