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Yokohama Regional Rehabilitation Council

Yokohama City Regional Rehabilitation Council for the purpose of promoting organic cooperation among related organizations and facilities in order to smoothly promote consistent rehabilitation activities for persons with disabilities in Yokohama city area, the Yokohama City Regional Rehabilitation Council for the purpose of contributing to the improvement of welfare for persons with disabilities. We have installed.

Last Updated January 31, 2024

Matters to be discussed

(1)Establishment of a regional rehabilitation system for persons with physical and intellectual disabilities and the appropriateness and integration of treatment.
(2)Research and research on rehabilitation technology.
(3)Improvement of quality of rehabilitation-related staff.
(4)In addition, thing about business necessary for promotion of rehabilitation activity.

Committee members

It is composed of persons belonging to related organizations and facilities in each area of medicine, social welfare, occupation, and education, and is organized by those who have requested by the mayor.
The council can set up sub-committee as needed to promote community rehabilitation.

Current Initiatives

Initiatives from FY4 to FY2005 : Current status and issues of follow-up system after the provision of lower limb orthotics (treatment materials and assistive devices) for home stroke patients in Yokohama

 For home stroke patients, monitoring of the use of lower limb orthotics (treatment materials and assistive devices) has not been sufficiently performed, which has resulted in nonconformities and damage to physical function.
 In August 2022, we conducted a questionnaire to medical institutions with 26 convalescent rehabilitation wards in the city in order to solve these issues.
 The issues extracted from the above questionnaire results included the role and importance of a tool to provide information on follow-up after creation when providing lower limb orthotics (treatment materials and assistive devices) .
 Therefore, as described below, we have created a guide tool that can be handed to you.
 When using the follow-up tool, please add the "Summary of the manufactured prosthetic device" and "application window for repair and remake of assistive devices" on the back and hand it over.
 We hope that medical institutions and assistive device manufacturers can use it when providing lower limb orthotics (treatment materials and assistive devices).
・Sub-Committee List (PDF: 97KB)
・List of Sub-Committee (FY2023) (PDF: 97KB)

[About the assistive device system]
・About supply system of assistive devices (PDF: 589KB)

[Utilization Tool]

※For the Word version, when it is necessary to enter the “Summary of the manufactured prosthetic device” and “application window for repair and re-creation of assistive devices”.
Please take advantage of it.

Initiatives implemented so far (after FY2018)

FY2018 to FY2019 Initiatives: "Employment support"-What is the support to find a work style that suits the person? ~

In order to work, it is important to make various preparations.
Using the following tools, the individual, family, and supporters can check and compare them from their respective positions.
The issues that each did not notice and the direction to be tackled are visualized, leading to specific support.
It can be used in consultation situations for various people, such as those who are planning to start training for employment, those who are preparing for job hunting, and those who have retired and started job change activities.
・Sub-Committee List (PDF: 82KB)

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For inquiries to this page

Rehabilitation Counseling Center for Persons with Disabilities, Health and Social Welfare Bureau

Phone: 045-473-0666

Phone: 045-473-0666

Fax: 045-473-0809

Email address:

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Page ID: 796-950-363


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