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Hodogaya Ward Insurance and Pension Division

Last Updated September 13, 2024


2-9, Kawabecho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi
1st floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building

Main Business and Contact Information

National Pension Plan Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information

National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)

Phone number: 045-334-6332
Fax: 045-334-6334
Email address:
Contact: 9th window on the 1st floor of the main building

National Health Insurance Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information
Participation and withdrawal of National Health Insurance and The Long-term Care Insurance, insurance premiums

Phone number: 045-334-6335
Fax: 045-334-6334
Email address:
Contact: 7th window on the 1st floor of the main building

National Health Insurance and The Long-term Care Insurance benefits
Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment
medical expenses subsidies for single-parent families
Grants for severely disabled people medical expenses
Qualifications and benefits for medical care for the elderly

Phone number: 045-334-6338
Fax: 045-334-6334
Email address:
Contact: 8th window on the 1st floor of the main building

Consultation on payment of insurance premiums (National Health Insurance, The Long-term Care Insurance, Medical Care for the Elderly)

Phone number: 045-334-6337
Fax: 045-334-6334
Email address:
Contact: 13th window on the 1st floor of the main building

Inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Insurance and Pension Division

Telephone: 045-334-6335

Phone: 045-334-6335

Fax: 045-334-6334

Email address:

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Page ID: 164-301-774

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