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Hodogaya Ward Family Registry Division

Last Updated June 20, 2023


2-9, Kawabecho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi
1st floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building

Main Business and Contact Information

Registration Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information
Issuance of Family Registry Division Certificate

Phone number: 045-334-6234・045-334-6235
Fax: 045-335-6781
Email address:
Contact: 2nd window on the 1st floor of the main building

Transfer of residents (transfer, transfer, etc.)
Notification of My Number Card and Electronic Certificate

Phone number: 045-334-6234・045-334-6235
Fax: 045-335-6781
Email address:
Contact: 4th window on the 1st floor of the main building

Admission to elementary and junior high schools, transfer

Phone number: 045-334-6237
Fax: 045-335-6781
Email address:
Contact: 5th window on the 1st floor of the main building

My Number Card
Receiving digital certificates

Phone number: 045-334-6234・045-334-6235
Fax: 045-335-6781
Email address:
Contact: 6th window on the 1st floor of the main building

Family Registry Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information

Notification of family register (birth, death, marriage, etc.)

Phone number: 045-334-6231
Fax: 045-335-6781
Email address:
Contact: 1st floor of the main building

Inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward General Affairs Department Family Registry Division

Telephone: 045-334-6231

Phone: 045-334-6231

Fax: 045-335-6781

Email address:

Return to the previous page

Page ID: 334-202-227

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