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Location and current status of Yamashita-Futo

Last Updated December 4, 2024

Location map

Location map of Yamashita-Futo
Created using City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau City Planning Basic Map Data [Yokohama City Topographic Map Reproduction Approval No. 26 Building No. 9054]

Aerial photograph

Current status of land (area includes structures) (R5. As of the end of December)

Current status of land
Owners Area
Private land 0.5ha
State-owned land 1.5ha
Municipal land 45.0ha
Total 47.0ha

Current status of the building (R5. As of the end of December)

Current status of the building
Owned Type of building Number of buildings
Private buildings Warehouse 12 buildings ※Of these, one co-owned building
Private buildings Offices, etc. 6 buildings ※Of these, one co-owned building with a municipal office
State-owned buildings 3 buildings
Prefectural buildings "Koban" (police box) 1 building
City-owned buildings Public shed 8 buildings
City-owned buildings Offices, etc. 2 buildings
  Total 32 buildings

Ground conditions

Regions and Districts

・Restricted areas: Commercial areas
・Building coverage: 80%
・Floor area ratio: 400%
・Altitude Area: Class 7 altitude area (31m or less)
・Fire and semi-fire prevention areas: Semi-fire prevention area
・Port area: Trading Port Area

Cargo volume and number of berthing vessels

Trends in the volume of cargo handled and the number of vessels berthing
Fiscal year Cargo volume (quay, landing site) Number of vessels (outgoing vessels)
S41 273.3 1574
S51 214.3 994
S61 131.8 585
H8 114.6 500
H18 44.9 217
H23 30.9 172
H28 13.9 106
R2 4.7 24

[Unit] Freight: 10,000 tons, number of vessels: Ships

For detailed statistics, please see the statistical information of Yokohama Port as a whole.

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Inquiries to this page

Port and Harbor Bureau Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Office, Yamashita-Futo Redevelopment Coordination Division

Telephone: 045-671-7314

Telephone: 045-671-7314

Fax: 045-550-4961

Email address:

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Page ID: 242-810-893


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