

Here's the text.

9-7 Number of bridges and tunnels

Last Updated May 15, 2024

Number of bridges

  1. Yokohama City Statistical Report

Chapter 9 Road, Transportation and Communications

  • Table 5 Status by Public Works Office of Bridges
  1. Comparison of Major City Statistics

XII Transportation and Communications

  • 4.Number of bridges, bridge length and bridge area
  1. Kanagawa

Prefectural Directory (outside site)

  • Chapter 13 Transportation, Communications, and Roads
    • 17 bridges

Number of tunnels

  1. City of Yokohama, Road and Highway Bureau

Management of road tunnels, etc.

  1. Kanagawa

Prefectural Directory (outside site)

  • Chapter 13 Transportation, Communications, and Roads
    • 19 Tunnel

Others (overpass with railways, number of pedestrian bridges)

  1. Kanagawa

Prefectural Directory (outside site)

  • Chapter 13 Transportation, Communications, and Roads
    • 18 Overpass with railways
    • 20 Pedestrian Bridge

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