

Here's the text.

9-11 Number of subscribers, smartphone penetration rate

Last Updated May 15, 2024

Number of general subscriber telephones, number of public telephones

  1. Yokohama City Statistical Report

Chapter 9 Road, Transportation and Communications

  • Table 18 Number of Subscribed Phones and Public Phones
  1. Comparison of Major City Statistics

XII Transportation and Communications

  • 14.Number of subscribed telephone subscriptions and public telephone installations, etc.

Status of mobile phones and PHS subscriptions

  1. Kanto Regional Communications Bureau (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

Number of mobile phone and PHS subscribers in Kanto jurisdiction (outside site)

  • Number of subscribers for mobile phones (3G, LTE, 5G)
  • Number of PHS subscribers
  1. Telecom Competition Policy Portal Site (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Telecom Competition Policy Portal Site (outside site)

  • Number of subscribers and subscribers
  1. Telecommunications Carriers Association (national figures)

Telecommunications Carriers Association (outside site)

  • Number of Contracts by Business Operator

Smartphone penetration rate, usage time

  1. Yokohama City Statistical Report

Statistical table that has been updated

Prices and Households

  • Ownership and diffusion rate of major durable consumer goods per 1,000 households (two or more households) (before 2014)
  • Ownership and diffusion rate of major durable consumer goods per 1,000 households (worker households among two or more households) (before 2014)
  1. Information and Communications Statistics Database (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

Information and communications (outside site)

  • Changes in the ownership rate of major information and communication equipment (households)

Communication Usage Trend Survey (outside site)

  • Press release materials
  • Report, list of statistical tables (household, company, office)
  1. Basic Survey on Social Life (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Figures by prefecture)

Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Results of 2021 Basic Survey on Social Life (outside site)

  • Results related to questionnaire A Results related to living hours ("Use time for smartphones and personal computers")

Inquiries to this page

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Telephone: 045-671-4201

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