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One Day of Psychological Work

Last Updated March 8, 2021

Photo of a one-day interview staff in a psychologist
Staff from children's guidance office, southern Child and Youth Bureau

Daily Schedule

8:30 Information sharing and schedule confirmation at the morning meeting
9:00 Psychological Diagnosis of elementary school student in New Case
11:00 Counseling in elementary school student
12:00 Lunch and Break
13:00 Observation of Parent-Child Visits
15:00 Parental Interviews and Feedbacks for Continued Cases
16:00 Record
16:30 Multi-occupation meetings for individual case review meetings
17:15 Exit from the office

Face each other in multiple ways

In children's guidance office, as I work in collaboration with many occupations, I will be able to learn perspectives and perspectives from various fields, so it will be a great study. Since we can easily consult and share information, we have a sense of unity supported by the team. With the expansion of the children's guidance office system over the past few years, I am engaged in daily work while feeling energy.

Breaking breath into the vitality of work

Photo of my hobby saxophone

After finishing on time, I go to blow saxophones, enjoy meals with friends and family on weekends, and drive. I started saxophone as a member of society, but I continue to enjoy it at my own pace. I also encourage you to travel during summer vacations. You can refresh and feel like "Let's do our best again!"

Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Telephone: 045-671-4268

Telephone: 045-671-4268

Fax: 045-663-8061

Email address:

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Page ID: 750-316-112


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