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  6. Press Release FY2022
  7. Reduction of food loss and plastic. Let's review "Mottainai" that makes you enjoy all the ingredients delicious!

Last Updated October 19, 2022

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Reduction of food loss and plastic. Let's review "Mottainai" that makes you enjoy all the ingredients delicious!

Press release materials

October 19, 2022

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau 3R Promotion Division

Kunihiro Tsushima

Phone number: 045-671-2563

Fax: 045-550-3510

 Yokohama City, Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. Muji Konandai Bars Co., Ltd. and Kiyoken Co., Ltd. are working on collaborative projects for lunch boxes based on the perspectives of reducing food loss, segregating garbage, and alternative plastic materials.
 The first “Mottainai” lunch box was sold out every day and was very well received. This time, as the second installment, we decided to sell “Lunch 2” for a limited time from Monday, October 24 to 30 ((Sun)).
 The theme of this lunch box is to make effective use of the ingredients used in Kiyoken's limited-time products, and is finished into a lunch box that focuses on both the environment and taste.
 After having delicious "Let's review" Mottainai "Lunch 2", why not check the ingredients at home and think about eating deliciously?

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Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Policy Coordination Department 3R Promotion Section

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Page ID: 890-164-934


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