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  7. "Ryokuen Higashi Elementary School", "Wakabadai Special Needs School" and "Tozuka Library" received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award.

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"Ryokuen Higashi Elementary School", "Wakabadai Special Needs School" and "Tozuka Library" received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award.

Last Updated April 17, 2020

Press release materials

April 17, 2020

Board of Education Secretariat Lifelong Learning Cultural Properties Division

Junichi Miyata

Phone number: 045-671-3236

Fax: 045-224-5863

 Since 2002, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has been awarded the Minister of Education to schools, libraries, and organizations (individuals) who have practiced distinctive and outstanding practices in order to contribute to the further promotion of children's reading activities.
 In Yokohama, two schools, Ryokuen Higashi Elementary School (Izumi Ward) and Wakabadai Special Needs School (Asahi Ward), and one of the Tozuka Library (Totsuka Ward), will be awarded on Thursday, April 23, as schools and libraries for outstanding children's reading activities in fiscal 2020.

[Award ceremony]
 The award ceremony was scheduled to be held at the "Children's Reading Day Commemorative Children's Reading Activity Promotion Forum" hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on Thursday, April 23, but to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection It has been canceled.

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