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  7. The Japan Office of the United Nations Specialist Organization IFAD (Iphad) will be opened at the Yokohama International Cooperation Center.

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The Japan Office of the United Nations Specialist Organization IFAD (Iphad) will be opened at the Yokohama International Cooperation Center.

Last Updated March 12, 2021

Press release materials

March 12, 2021

International Affairs Bureau International Cooperation Division

Yoko Suzuki

Phone number: 045-671-2078

Fax: 045-664-7145

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD Headquarters: Rome), one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, has decided to move into the Yokohama International Cooperation Center as an activity base in Japan. On Monday, March 15, 2021 IFAD and Yokohama City signed a memorandum of understanding on entering the Yokohama International Cooperation Center.

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