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  7. [Application acceptance for FY2024 has been closed] Yokohama City Next-Generation Priority Area Location Promotion Subsidy

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[Application acceptance for FY2024 has been closed] Yokohama City Next-Generation Priority Area Location Promotion Subsidy

Last Updated February 1, 2025

Yokohama-shi next-generation priority field location promotion subsidy (first advance in the city)

-When a suburban company enters the city for the first time~

This system grants subsidies when suburban companies in the fields of decarbonization, child care, and mobility designated by Yokohama City enter Yokohama City for the first time.

Yokohama-shi next-generation priority field location promotion subsidy (first advance in the city)
  Target areas Area requirements / number requirements

Expansion function
(Offices, etc.)

Details of the grant
Overview of System

◆Child care

Floor area of the target area 50m2 or more
Number of employees 3 or more (*1)

◆Head Office
◆Research Institute
◆Child care-related facilities

1 million yen per floor area of 50 m2
Up to 5 million yen

<Special provisions for service offices, etc.>
Floor area of the target area 10 m2 or more
Number of employees 3 or more (*1)

200,000 yen per 10m2 floor area
Up to 2.5 million yen

(※1) Locations outside the city center
Special provisions for primary investment of foreign-affiliated companies

In the above area requirements / number requirements, "Katsu" is relaxed to "or".

Grant application acceptance
Period and Location

On the day of opening from April 2024 to January 2025, the Economic Affairs Bureau Corporate Investment Promotion Division will accept applications.
Date of grant

We set up establishments in the city from February, 2024 to January, 2025 and perform examination around February, 2025 targeting at company which applied for grant grant, and We will issue a grant around April.

※For more information about each field, please contact the Economic Affairs Bureau Corporate Investment Promotion Division.
※I would like to confirm the financial position of the last two fiscal years.
※Before concluding a lease agreement (or service office use contract), it is necessary to submit a “Business Plan Overview”. Please contact the Economic Affairs Bureau Corporate Investment Promotion Division before contracting.
※The service office special provision is a special system for moving into a service office for more than two years based on a contract that includes additional services related to the use of business establishments. The service office where you move in must be able to register as a corporation and be recruiting residents widely.
※The city center area refers to the promotion of business locations, etc. prescribed in Article 2, Item 1 of the Ordinance on Support Measures in Specified Areas for Promoting Business Locations in Yokohama City (Ordinance No. 5 of March 2018), Minato Mirai 21 area, Yokohama Station area, Kannai area and Shin-Yokohama city center area ".
※Primary investment by foreign-affiliated companies refers to foreign-affiliated companies that do not have offices in Japan.

-When a company with offices in the city expands or relocates its headquarters, etc. in the city-

Yokohama City Next-Generation Priority Area Location Promotion Grant (Expansion / Relocation Special)
  Target industries Area requirements / number requirements

Expansion function

(Offices, etc.)

Details of the grant
Overview of System

◆Child care

Floor area increased by more than 50 m2 compared to before expansion or relocation
Increase in the number of employees by 3 or more compared to before expansion or relocation

◆Head Office
◆Research Institute
◆Child care-related facilities

1 million yen per floor area of 50 m2
Up to 2.5 million yen

Grant application acceptance
Period and Location

On the day of opening from April 2024 to January 2025, the Economic Affairs Bureau Corporate Investment Promotion Division will accept applications.
Date of grant We set up establishments in the city from February, 2024 to January, 2025 and perform examination around February, 2025 targeting at company which applied for grant grant, and We will issue a grant around April.

※For more information about each field, please contact the Economic Affairs Bureau Corporate Investment Promotion Division.
※I would like to confirm the financial position of the last two fiscal years.
※Before concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to submit a “Business Plan Overview”. Please contact the Economic Affairs Bureau Corporate Investment Promotion Division before contracting.
※ When a company with offices in the city moves a research institute outside the city to the city, expands a research institute in the city, or establishes a new research institute.

-In the case of being located in the Minato Mirai 21 district and reducing CO2 emissions from power consumption at offices, etc. to virtually zero-

◆A company that receives the subsidy of the Yokohama City Next Generation Priority Field Location Promotion Subsidy (first advance in the city) (expansion / relocation) is located in the Minato Mirai 21 district, and reduces CO2 emissions associated with power consumption to virtually zero. In some cases, a grant will be added and issued.

Yokohama City Next-Generation Priority Area Location Promotion Subsidy
  Target areas Requirements

Expansion function

(Offices, etc.)

Details of the grant

Overview of System

◆Child care

When located in the Minato Mirai 21 district and reduces CO2 emissions from power consumption at business establishments, etc. to virtually zero.

◆Head Office
◆Research Institute
◆Child care-related facilities

250,000 yen per floor area of 50m2
Up to 1.25 million yen

Facilities to be added

If you move into the following facilities, you will receive an additional grant. (We have released facilities that reduce CO2 emissions from power consumption to virtually zero.)

※When contacting the company directly, be sure to tell us that you have seen the web page of the Yokohama City Next-Generation Priority Field Promotion Subsidy.


Past grant results

To those who have received the grant decision

Those who have received the grant decision in 2023 or 2024 can receive preferential interest rates and credit guarantee fees subsidies through the Yokohama City Small and Medium Enterprise Loan Program "Public Business Tie-up Fund".

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Inquiries to this page

Corporate Investment Promotion Division, Business Innovation Department, Economic Affairs Bureau Business Innovation Department

Telephone: 045-671-2594

Telephone: 045-671-2594

Fax: 045-664-4867

Email address:

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Page ID: 523-510-381


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