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Flow of notification procedures

Last Updated July 2, 2024

Procedure Flow

*In the case of "change of notification items", the flow may differ partially depending on the content of the change, but it is generally as follows.

A diagram of the procedure is shown below. The explanation text is shown at the bottom of the figure.

1.Submission of an overview of store openings

Procedures are required in advance when establishing a large-scale retail store in Yokohama City or reporting a change.
Please check the relevant laws and regulations and technical matters at the relevant counter in advance, and submit a store overview by the earliest of the following.

  • 4 months prior to notification of the Large-Scale Retail Store Location Law
  • Three months prior to application for building confirmation

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2.Early provision of information to local communities

When establishing a large-scale retail store or making any of the following changes, within one month from the date of submission of the store opening summary, the outline of the store will be issued for local residents around the planned store opening. Please inform the contents of the book.

  • In the case of an increase in store area or rebuilding, the store area after the change is 6,000 m2 or more or twice or more before the change.
  • Report that the mayor deems particularly necessary

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3.Submission and consultation of “Preparation Manual”

Large store installers who report new constructions examine report matter, attached materials based on law and consideration matter based on guideline, city standard and make "prior manual". In making, please talk about technical matters in advance in related section.
We submit "prior instructions" before submitting report and plan consistency with related laws, regulations to which we have jurisdiction in related bureau section and discuss that it becomes store opening plan in harmony with neighboring living environment.

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4.Submission of Large-scale Retail Store registration form

Large store installers who report new establishments, etc. must attach documents which listed matters related to measures to affect the living environment in the surrounding area and report to Yokohama City.
When there is report, Yokohama-shi publishes the summary in "Yokohama-shi bulletin" (we call "public notice" of report). 。
In addition, documents reported by large stores will be inspected at the Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Section and the ward office Ward Administration Promotion Division of the ward where the large store is located (in the case of a new notification) for four months from the date of the public notice.
About report, procedure situation, please see report situation in Yokohama-shi.

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5.Holding of briefing session

Large-scale store installers who report new establishment, etc. must hold a briefing session to disseminate the contents of registration form, etc. within two months from the date of notification.
The date and place of the briefing will be announced by the large store installer by "Notice of the briefing session" (published in a daily newspaper or insert flyer) and a sign to the planned location of the store.

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6.Submission of “Written Opinion” by local residents

For notification, those who have opinions on matters to be considered for maintaining the living environment in the surrounding area of large-scale retail stores, such as local residents and local businesses, are required to consider Yokohama City for four months from the date of notification of notification of notification. We can submit statement of position (word: 21KB) to. The submitted statement of position will be used as a reference when considering whether Yokohama City should request a revision of the plan from a large store and its contents.

  • When you are going to state opinion about plan of large store, please fill in contents of opinion and the reason and required items in "Written Opinion", and please submit to Yokohama Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Section by mail or mail.
  • The period during which you can submit a written opinion is within 4 months (must arrive) from the date of the notification of the notification.
  • Yokohama City will announce the outline of the submitted statement of position. In addition, in principle, all opinions will be inspected for one month from the date of publication (excluding those that do not conform to the purpose of this system or those that violate public order and morals).

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7."Opinion of Yokohama City"

Yokohama City considers the opinions of local residents, etc., and considers the "guidelines" and "operation standards", will maintain the living environment for large store installers within eight months from the date of notification, or if there is no opinion, we will notify you accordingly.
When Yokohama-shi gives opinion, we announce summary of the opinion and inspect for one month from day of public notice.
If there is no opinion of Yokohama City, the procedure will be completed at that time, and the large store installer can open from the day when the notice was received.

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8.Presentation of voluntary countermeasures (changes, etc.) by large store installers

When Yokohama-shi gives opinion, large store installer shows voluntary measures to Yokohama-shi based on the opinion (change report matter) or notify that we do not change report matter . Yokohama City will publicly announce the contents of the voluntary countermeasures and inspect it for four months.
If the contents of the voluntary countermeasures reflect the opinions of Yokohama City and are sufficient, the procedure will end at that point.

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9."Recommendation" by Yokohama City

If the contents of 8 do not properly reflect the opinions of Yokohama City and it is deemed difficult to avoid the occurrence of situations that have a significant adverse effect on the living environment in the surrounding area, Yokohama City In consideration of "Guidelines" and "operation standards", "recommendations" can be made to the submitter to take necessary measures only within two months from the date of notification or notification in 8.
If the recommendation is made, Yokohama City will announce its contents. In addition, if the large store installer does not follow the recommendation without a justifiable reason, it may "public" that fact.

For inquiries to this page

Commercial Promotion Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Civil Economic and Labor Department

Phone: 045-671-3488

Phone: 045-671-3488

Fax: 045-664-9533

Email address:

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Page ID: 375-614-328


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