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Matters to be notified and matters to be considered

Last update date July 3, 2024

1 Notification target and notification items

Stores with a total store area (refers to the floor area used for retail business) exceeding 1,000 m2 are eligible.
Stores that are subject to the Large-Scale Retail Store Location Act (Large Store Location Law) must submit a notification and procedures for the following matters.

  • Name and Location of Large Stores
  • Name of large store installer / Address / Representative name (in the case of a corporation)
  • Name of retailer / Address / Representative's name (in the case of corporation)
  • Date of establishment of a large-scale store
  • Total store area in large-scale stores

[Matters Concerning Facility Arrangement of Large Stores]

  • Location and number of parking lots
  • Location and number of bicycle parking lots
  • Position/area of cargo handling facilities
  • Location/capacity of waste storage facilities

[Matters Concerning Operation of Facilities in Large Stores]

  • Opening time/closing time
  • Time zone when visitors can use the parking lot
  • Number/position of car entrances in parking lot
  • The time zone during which cargo handling can be performed at the cargo handling facility

If a large store (with a store area of more than 1,000 m2) opened based on the Large Store Law (discontinued on June 1, 2000) and intends to change the above items, submit a notification and procedures for the Large Store Location Law May be required.
For more information, please contact the Economic Affairs Bureau Commercial Promotion Section (TEL: 671-3488) window.

2 Matters to be considered by large stores

(1) Matters to be considered by large-scale retail stores in accordance with national guidelines

Large store installers must take necessary care to maintain the surrounding living environment.
The fact that large stores must consider the living environment issues and their standards are indicated in the “Guidelines on Matters to be Considered by Large-Scale Retail Stores” (external site) based on the law. I am.

<Example of matters that should be considered by large stores>

  • Thing about "traffic" such as traffic jam of nearby roads by car waiting for parking lot
  • Thing about "noise" generated from large stores
  • Thing about transportation, disposal of "garbage" and "recycling"
  • Thing about "harmony of cityscape making"

(2) Matters to be considered by large-scale retail stores in Yokohama.

When setting up a large store in Yokohama, installers of large-scale stores are required to consider more appropriate and active contribution to urban development based on the local characteristics of the city and the actual situation of the location of the store.
Therefore, in order to open stores in harmony with the regional characteristics and the location environment of the store opening location with large stores, the “Yokohama City Large-Scale Retail Store Location Law Operation Standards” (PDF: 231KB) was established, and large stores in conjunction with guidelines. It will be used to review the store opening plan.

<items stipulated in the “City Operation Standards”>

  • Secure the required number of parking lots
  • Securing bicycle parking lots
  • Consideration for waste reduction and recycling
  • Cooperation in Disaster Prevention Measures
  • Consideration for the creation of cityscapes

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For inquiries to this page

Commercial Promotion Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Civil Economic and Labor Department

Phone: 045-671-3488

Phone: 045-671-3488

Fax: 045-664-9533

Email address:

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Page ID: 291-781-508


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