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Certification system based on the Building Energy Conservation Law

Last update date April 1, 2024

Page information

It is page of certification system based on "law about improvement of energy consumption performance of building" [Building Energy Conservation Law] promulgated in July, 2015.

Approval page for energy saving performance improvement plan
Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Certification Page

Update history

R6.04.01 The website has been updated in accordance with the revision of the Building Energy Conservation Law. : NEW
R3.04.01 The website has been updated in accordance with the revision of the Building Energy Conservation Law.
H29.03.30 We have partially revised the certification guidelines based on the Building Energy Conservation Law.
H28.03.28 We have opened a website for the certification system under the Building Energy Conservation Law.

Outline of certification system under the Building Energy Conservation Law

The "Law Concerning the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings" was promulgated on July 8, 2015, and inductive measures such as floor area ratio exceptions and the display system were enforced in April 2016.
Under this law, in light of the fact that energy consumption in buildings has increased significantly due to changes in socio-economic conditions, the following two certification systems have been established to improve the energy consumption performance of buildings. Was.
Please refer to each page for the certification procedure.

(1) Certification of energy saving performance improvement plan (floor area ratio exception)

(2) Certification of compliance with energy conservation standards (labeling system)

  • By application, the owner of the building can be certified by the competent administrative agency that the building conforms to the energy-saving standards.
  • About building which received authorization, advertisement about the use, we can display (standard conformity authorization mark) that we received authorization.
About certification of energy saving performance improvement plan, certification of conformity with energy saving standard
 (1)Certification of energy-saving performance improvement plan(2)Accreditation of Energy Conservation Standards
Basising laws and regulationsArticle 35 of the Building Energy Conservation LawArticle 41 of the Building Energy Conservation Act
Certification CriteriaGuidance standards (standards that are superior to energy consumption performance standards)Energy consumption performance standards (energy saving standards)
Scope of certificationOverall buildingsPart of the buildingOverall buildings
BenefitsFloor area ratio exception
(Equipment parts that contribute to the improvement of energy-saving performance that does not include parts that exceed normal floor area.)
Subsidies, loans, etc. (planned)Indication of conforming to the standards (PR)

Article 36 Certification Mark

Accreditation DatePrior to construction of new construction, renovation, etc.Existing buildings (after completion)
ApplicantBuilding owners, etc.Owners of the building

Related information

For inquiries to this page

Building Planning Division, Housing and Architecture Bureau Building Guidance Department

Phone: 045-671-4526

Phone: 045-671-4526

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Page ID: 357-780-932


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