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About "road condition maintenance by Yokohama-shi"

Last Updated August 1, 2024

About "road condition maintenance by Yokohama-shi in narrow road widening maintenance business"

About "road condition maintenance by Yokohama-shi in narrow road widening maintenance business",
At present, many hopes are being received and we are waiting in line.

Consultation has been completed, and those who wish to maintain a road condition by Yokohama City will need to be present in the future.
The schedule of the local witness varies depending on the ward, so please contact the road manager for details.

In addition, if you are in a hurry to improve the road condition due to schedule reasons, etc.
As there is subsidy system for "road condition maintenance by oneself (paving by oneself (management by Yokohama-shi))"", please consider the utilization of that.

We ask for your understanding and cooperation.

For inquiries to this page

Housing and Architecture Bureau Planning Department, Building Disaster Prevention Section

Phone: 045-671-4544

Phone: 045-671-4544

Fax: 045-663-3255

Email address:

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Page ID: 128-395-983


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