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Pollution prevention manager

Last update date April 1, 2024


Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection (Notice)
 Pollution-related laws and regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 ※For applications and notifications, notification by mail is possible for the time being. However, it is necessary to confirm the contents when accepting, so be sure to contact the person in charge in advance by telephone. In the case of mailing, it may take a few days to receive the notification.

※Yokohama City Ordinance on conservation, etc. of Living Environment, Yokohama City Sewerage Ordinance, Air Pollution Control Law, Noise Control Law, Vibration Control Law, Water Pollution Control Law, Sewerage Law, Soil Contamination Countermeasures Law, Dioxins Special Measures Law, Law Concerning the Development of Pollution Prevention Organizations in Specific Factories, Industrial Water Law

※Please contact here for applications and notifications regarding the Pollution Prevention Manager System (Law Concerning the Development of Pollution Prevention Organizations at Specific Factories).
[Contact] Environment Management Division, Green Environment Bureau Phone number: 045-671-2733 Email address:
[mail address] Environmental Management Division, Green Environment Bureau 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0005

Law Concerning the Development of Pollution Prevention Organizations at Specific Factories

In the case of specific factories, the appointment of pollution prevention supervisors is required by the "Law Concerning the Development of Pollution Prevention Organizations at Specific Factories" (Law No. 107 of June 10, 1971).

1.Specific factories

Specified factories are 1. Manufacturing (including the processing of goods) 2. Electricity supply, 3. Gas supply, and 4. Heat supply
Of the factories to be used for business belonging to the following: All facilities (PDF: 446KB)

Subject requirements
Atmospheric RelationsOf the factories where soot and smoke generating facilities (PDF: 309KB) are installed, those listed below
(1)Factories where air-related hazardous substance generation facilities are installed
(2)Factories with a total emissions of 10,000 m3N/h or more from the installed soot and smoke generating facilities
Water quality relatedOf the factories where sewage discharge facilities (PDF: 323KB) are installed, those listed below
(1)Factories that generate harmful substances related to water quality are installed and discharge discharged water or infiltrate specified underground infiltration water.
(2)Factories that discharge facilities other than water quality-related hazardous substances are installed and have an average daily drainage of 1,000 m3 or more.
Noise relatedOf the factories where noise generating facilities (PDF: 363KB) are installed, factories in designated areas (all Yokohama City excluding industrial areas) based on the Noise Control Law (all areas in Yokohama City excluding industrial areas) are located.
Vibration relatedOf the factories where vibration generation facilities (PDF: 352KB) are installed, factories in designated areas (all Yokohama City excluding industrial areas) based on the Vibration Regulation Law (all areas of Yokohama City excluding industrial areas) are located.
Specific dust relatedFactories where specific dust generation facilities (PDF: 113KB) are installed
General dust relatedFactories where general dust generation facilities (PDF: 115KB) are installed
DioxinsFactories where dioxin generation facilities (PDF: 277KB) are installed

2.Pollution Control Manager, Pollution Control Manager

About pollution prevention supervisor, chief pollution prevention manager
Pollution Control Officer
(Excluding businesses that use less than 20 employees at all times.)
Pollution prevention supervisors and their agents must be appointed as those who supervise and manage the implementation of the business at a specific factory. The Pollution Prevention Manager must also assign a person who corresponds to the so-called factory manager. No qualification is required.
※The number of employees is not the number of employees assigned to individual factories, but the total number of employees used at all times by the business operator.
Chief Pollution Prevention Manager
(factories with emissions of 40,000 m3N/h or more and discharge of 10,000 m3/day or more)

You must assist the Pollution Prevention Supervisor and appoint the Chief Pollution Prevention Manager and his / her agent as the person who supervises the Pollution Prevention Manager. The chief pollution prevention manager and his / her agent must be appointed from qualified persons.
Type of qualified persons
(1)Chief Pollution Prevention Manager Qualified Person
(2)Qualified persons of Class 1 or Class 3 related to air and who are qualified persons of Class 1 or Class 3 related to water quality

3.Pollution prevention manager

At specific factories, pollution prevention managers and their agents must be appointed for each facility category. Pollution prevention managers and their agents must be appointed from qualified persons. (See below)

4.Overview of Procedure

Overview of Procedure
Type of registration formRequirementsDate of appointmentDate of notificationattached documents

Appointment, death and dismissal of pollution control supervisors and their agents registration form
[Form No. 1] (Word: 23KB)
[Form No. 1] (PDF:100KB)
General Manager (PDF: 180KB)
Agent (PDF: 181KB)

No qualification is requiredWithin 30 days from the date on which the event of an appointment occursFrom the date of appointment
Within 30 days

Appointment, death and dismissal of pollution control managers and their agents registration form
[Form No. 2] (Word: 17KB)
[Form No. 2] (PDF:119KB)
Manager (PDF: 202KB)
Agent (PDF: 202KB)

Both pollution prevention managers and agents are elected from qualified persons for each facility category.

From the date on which the event of an appointment occurs
Within 60 days
From the date of appointment
Within 30 days
・Applicable Attachment (word: 97KB)
・A copy of the National Examination Certificate or Certificate of Completion of Qualification Course
・In the case of concurrent work, documents specified by laws and regulations (see Remarks)
Appointment, death and dismissal of chief pollution control manager and his agent registration form

[Form No. 3] (Word: 20KB)
[Form No. 3] (PDF:101KB)
Chief Administrator (PDF: 182KB)
Agent (PDF: 182KB)

Both chief pollution prevention manager and agent are elected from qualified persons.

From the date on which the event of an appointment occurs
Within 60 days
From the date of appointment
Within 30 days
・Applicable Attachment (word: 97KB)
・A copy of the National Examination Certificate or Certificate of Completion of Qualification Course

Succession registration form
[Form 3-2] (Word: 16KB)
[Form 3-2] (PDF:97KB)

When a specific factory is succeeded Notification without delay
(Notification within approximately 30 days from the date of succession)
・Copy of corporate register, etc. (with history of merger, etc. recorded)

<<Remarks> About concurrent duties of pollution prevention manager (substitute)
[Required Documents]

  1. A document indicating that it is a place that can be reached within 2 hours from the factory where the concurrent pollution prevention manager works at all times.
  2. A document indicating that the concurrent factory is similar or similar, or that it has a close relationship in the production process.
  3. A document or a document indicating that the person who supervises and manages the work related to pollution prevention related to concurrent factories is the same.
    Regulations related to the prevention of pollution (hereinafter referred to as "business regulations") (Those that have a system for implementing operations related to the prevention of pollution related to concurrent factories and a command and command system.)
  4. Business rules (the scope and responsibilities and authority of the concurrent pollution prevention manager, communication system in case of abnormal or emergency, countermeasures such as emergency measures, and other necessary matters related to the implementation of duties related to pollution prevention) )
  5. A document indicating that communication means have been prepared from the factory where the concurrently working pollution prevention manager works to monitor the status of pollution at other concurrently working factories.

<Reference> Enforcement Regulations (excerpt) on the Development of Pollution Prevention Organizations at Specific Factories
(August 13, 1971 Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Ministry of Transport Ordinance No. 3)
(Appointment of Pollution Control Manager)
Standards (PDF: 125KB) set by the competent minister as defined in Article 5, paragraph 2

Notification destination

[Notification / Contact]
Yokohama City Green Environment Bureau
Environmental Management Division
〒231-0005 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City Hall 27F
(3-minute walk from Sakuragicho Station, JR/Municipal Subway directly connected to the 1C entrance of Bashamichi Station in Minato Mirai Line)
Telephone: 045-671-2733
Time: Monday to Friday
(Closed: national holidays, other holidays, and New Year's holidays December 29th-January 3rd)
City Hall Information

[How to submit]
Please submit by window bringing, mail or electronic application.
If you do not know about necessary/required procedures for the first time, please contact the Environmental Management Division in advance.
In the case of electronic application, please perform procedure from electronic application, report system (outside site).

Related laws and regulations

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Inquiries to this page

Environmental Management Division, Environmental Protection Department, Green Environment Bureau

Telephone: 045-671-2733

Telephone: 045-671-2733

Fax: 045-681-2790

Email address:

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Page ID: 986-201-008


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