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Fire branch offices in Isogo Ward

Last updated July 14, 2024

Sugita Fire Department Office

Image of Sugita Fire Branch Office


1-1-9, Nakahara, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi

Contact information

Telephone/fax: 045-773-0119

Area in charge

Shinsugitacho, Shinnakabara-cho, Shinmoricho
Sugita 1-chome, Sugita 2-chome, Sugita 3-chome, Sugita 4-chome, Sugita 4-chome, Sugita 5-chome
Sugita 6-chome, Sugita 7-chome, Sugita 8-chome, Sugita 9-chome, Sugita-tsubo-drink
Hajime Nakahara-chome, Nakahara 2-chome, Nakahara 3-chome, Nakahara 4-chome
Hajime Mori Chome, Mori 2-chome, Mori 3-chome, Mori 4-chome, Mori 5-chome, Moriroku-chome
Morigaoka 1-chome, Morigaoka 2-chome

Vehicles deployed

Yokodai Fire Department Office

Image of Yokodai Fire Service Office


3-37-41, Yokoudai, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi

Contact information

Telephone/fax: 045-831-0119

Area in charge

Kaminakazato-cho, Kuriki 1-chome, Kuriki 2-chome, Kuriki 3-chome
Hajime Tanaka Chome, TANAKA 2-chome, Hitorizawacho, Minecho
Yokodai 1-chome, Yokodai 2-chome, Yokodai 3-chome, Yokodai 4-chome
Yokkodai 5-chome, Yokodai 6-chome

Vehicles deployed

For inquiries to this page

General Affairs and Prevention Division, Isogo fire department Fire Bureau

Phone: 045-753-0119

Phone: 045-753-0119

Fax: 045-753-0119

Email address:

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Page ID: 229-188-314


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