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  6. 2023 Tsuka Eco Coordinator Training Course [Application has been closed]

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2023 Tsuka Eco Coordinator Training Course [Application has been closed]

"Global warming", "decarbonized society", "SDGs" ... What should we do to pass on a sustainable earth to future generations? As an eco coordinator, why don't you spread global warming countermeasures to the community?

Last Updated February 21, 2024

Overview of Implementation

 In Totsuka Ward, we are engaged in various initiatives in cooperation with companies, schools and local organizations so that each inhabitant of the ward can foster momentum for SDGs and decarbonization and establish environmental actions to achieve the SDGs by 2030 and realize a decarbonized society by 2050.
 We take this training course and raise one's own knowledge and recruit those who can play an active role as eco coordinator (*) to spread and enlighten global warming countermeasures in the area.
 ※The Eco Coordinator is disseminating and providing information on global warming countermeasures in the region.
  Those who take this course will receive a certificate from the Totsuka Ward Office as "Totsuka Eco Coordinator".

Date and time: From 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (planned) on Saturday, March 9, 2024 and Saturday, March 16 (opening at 8:45)
Location: Totsuka Ward Office 8F Large Conference Room AB (16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama 244-0003, Japan)
Target: Those who live, work, or attend school in the city, work on global warming countermeasures and environmental activities, and can take the course twice in total.
Capacity: 30 people (in the case of a large number of applications, priority is given to residents in the city)
   ※We will inform you by e-mail or mail about whether or not to attend the course by Tuesday, February 27.
Deadline: [Application has been closed] Until 17:00 on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 ※Must arrive by mail or fax
Fees: Free of charge

About training course

Lecture 1 (conducted on March 9)

Keynote Speech
 Theme: Possibilities of renewable energy to rejuvenate Japan from the region
 Lecturer: TV Asahi announcer Yutaka Yamaguchi
Mr. Yamaguchi

① Toward Zero Carbon Yokohama Lecturer: Toshiaki Oga, Chief of Policy Coordination, Climate Change Policy Headquarters, Yokohama City
② The latest trends in environmental issues and the current situation in Japan Lecturer: Environmental Counselor Nobuo Matsuno

Lecture 2 (conducted on March 16)

① "Nature Observation Meeting to Know the Diversity of Nature" is Lecturer: Mr. Hiroshi Ikeda, Forest Instructor
② 3R to establish resource recycling and realize a circular economy Lecturer: Eco Action 21 Judge Masako Chiba
③ Calculating carbon dioxide emissions and familiar energy-saving activities Lecturer: Mr. Junyuki Otake, Environmental Counselor
④ To whom do you want to convey environmental issues (places for environmental activities) Lecturer: Mr. Shinji Tanaka, Forest Instructor
※Each instructor will be in charge of the course.

How to apply [Application has been completed]

Please apply in one of the following ways. (Capacity: 30)
1 Application using electronic application form (Please apply from the following external site or two-dimensional code.)

2 Application by e-mail, mail or fax (Please specify the application form or required items before applying.)

  • Name (Kana name), postal code, Address, Phone number (including mobile phone), e-mail address, age (30s, etc.), motivation to participate, type of residence, working, or attending school in the city (in the case of working or attending school, specify the company name and school name)
  • If you wish to have a sign language / written interpreter, or if you are visiting in a wheelchair, please indicate so.

Click here for the application form (word: 15KB)

  • [Email] : (Please write "Totsuka Eco Coordinator Training Course Application" in the subject.)
  • [mail] : Address "Ward Administration Promotion Division Totsuka Eco Coordinator Training Course" 16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama 244-0003
  • 【FAX】 : 045-862-3054 Address Ward Administration Promotion Division and Tsuka Eco Coordinator Training Course

Deadline: [Application has been closed] Until 17:00 on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 ※Must arrive by mail or fax
Whether or not to attend the lecture: Scheduled to be sent by e-mail or mail by Tuesday, February 27

Contact information, etc.

Totsuka Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section and Tsuka Eco Coordinator Training Course
Telephone: 045-866-8327 FAX: 045-862-3054 Email:
Inquiries: From 8:45 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
Handling of Personal Information: The personal information you receive will be properly managed and will be used only when necessary for conducting this course.

About "Totsuka Eco Coordinator" and "Totsuka Eco Coordinator Council"

Totsuka Eco Coordinator

 Those who have completed this training course will be awarded a certificate from Totsuka Ward as "Totsuka Eco Coordinator".
 Those who have been certified as "Totsuka Eco Coordinator" are encouraged to spread awareness and provide information on global warming countermeasures in the community as leaders in promoting environmental activities. .
※We ask for voluntary activities regarding local initiatives.

Totsuka Eco Coordinator Council

 In fiscal 2015, members who completed the first Totsuka Eco-Coordinator Training Course conducted by the Totsuka Ward established the Totsuka Eco-Coordinator Council, which organizes lectures on SDGs and energy conservation in the region, tours of companies and facilities that are taking environmentally friendly initiatives, as well as holding eco-events and panel exhibitions in collaboration with the Totsuka Ward Office.
 We hope that everyone who attended this training course will participate in the council and promote the spread and enlightenment in the community with many friends. .
※We request voluntary participation in local initiatives and councils.

Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-866-8327

Telephone: 045-866-8327

Fax: 045-862-3054

Email address:

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