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Marine plastic waste problem

Last Updated May 22, 2024

Current status of marine plastic waste

Today, millions of tons of plastic waste is flowing from land to the sea around the world a year, and marine plastic waste continues to increase at this moment ...
If nothing is done as it is, marine plastic waste is expected to increase in 2050 than the amount of fish in the sea.
Plastics, which are rarely decomposed naturally, will eventually reach the sea if they flow into nature due to illegal dumping or littering. In order to protect our precious sea, it is important to think and act on what each of us can do.

What we can do

  • Garbage should be properly separated and not littered.
  • Do not use disposable plastic
  • Participation in cleaning activities, etc.

Enlightenment video for reducing marine plastic waste

At the 8 City Cooperation Mayors Conference (*), we are working together to raise awareness for reducing marine plastic waste. We have created a video so that people can learn about the marine plastic waste problem and call for actions that each person can do to reduce it.
(* Consists of Mayors of Yokohama City, Kawasaki City, Yokosuka City, Kamakura City, Fujisawa City, Zushi City, Yamato City and Machida City)

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