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FY2024 Seya Ward Budget

 About promotion costs of the making of Seya Ward unique ward in 2024

Last Updated February 2, 2024

Making Seya where you can feel happiness

 As a result of the inhabitants' awareness survey conducted in 2023, about half of the people are worried that the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced their chances of socializing and going out, and on the other hand, more people are aware of health. As social activities resume in earnest, it is necessary to connect with people again and create a place where everyone can play an active role in their own health.
 In Seya Ward, while listening carefully to voices that diversify with changes in social conditions, we will promote initiatives throughout the ward office to realize the creation of Seya where happiness can be realized.

About promotion costs made with unique ward

 The promotion fee for the creation of a unique ward is a budget for the ward office, which is a base for familiar citizen services, to promote the creation of a unique ward according to local characteristics and needs.

  • Voluntary planning expenses: Operating expenses for the ward to respond to local issues and needs on its own.
  • Integrated administrative expenses: Office expenses of each ward office section and public information Yokohama ward version issuance, citizen consultation, expenses pertaining to activities such as youth instructors, etc.
  • management fee: Expenses related to the management and operation of ward government buildings and facilities for residents of the ward

Budget System

About independent planning business

1.A safe and secure livable town (23,335 thousand yen)

 We will secure prompt evacuation in the Sakaigawa basin, etc., where there is a possibility of inundation and inland water damage, raise awareness of disaster prevention for a wide range of generations, and strengthen the medical system in the event of a disaster. In addition, in order to contribute to the SDGs and realize a decarbonized society, we will raise the environmental awareness of inhabitants of the ward and promote behavioral change through awareness-raising activities through greening and events in the city.
<Main Business > Disaster Countermeasures Business, Environmental Action Promotion Business

2.Healthy growth ・ Everyone is healthy and personal life (20,319 thousand yen)

 In a situation where there are many families who need support, such as little knowledge and experience of child care, we will provide support according to the stage of growth while strengthening the network of supporters. In addition, we will work to disseminate knowledge about health promotion and raise awareness of various infectious diseases so that everyone can continue to live healthy and personally.
<Main Business> Healthy Seyakko Business, Health Seya Promotion Business

3.Local connections and support (17,520 thousand yen)

 Based on the fourth community-based welfare health plan, we promote community-based local activities through collaboration with groups. In addition, we will review the 4th plan to formulate the 5th plan. In addition, we support inhabitant of a ward activity from various viewpoints including multicultural symbiosis and local human resources excavation to plan local activation, improvement of local power in cooperation with inhabitants of a ward.
<< Main business >> Community-based welfare health plan promotion business, community-based comprehensive care promotion business, inhabitant of a ward activity support business

4. Creation of bustle and charm ・ Fostering momentum for GREEN x EXPO 2027 (27,056 thousand yen)

 We will work to revitalize the city by fostering momentum at GREEN x EXPO 2027 so that Seya can be selected as a “town to live in”. In addition, we will improve the appeal of Seya by creating opportunities to feel agriculture closer, promoting local production for local consumption, and promoting commerce and industry in cooperation with the local community, and promote it using various media.
<<Main Business >> GREEN x EXPO 2027 / Seya Promotion Business, Seya's Attractive Dissemination / Attachment Business

5.A friendly and trusted ward office (5,730 thousand yen)

 Aiming to be a familiar and reliable ward office for inhabitants of the ward, we will improve the quality of services and operations through the implementation of staff training, the activities of Seyamaru supporters (floor guidance volunteers), and the enhancement of public relations and public hearing. .
<<Main business >> Window service improvement business, public relations and public hearing cooperation business

About business plan

Please see the following business plan for the details of business plan of promotion costs with unique ward.

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Seya Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division Budget Adjustment Section

Telephone: 045-367-5613

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