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FY2022 Seya Ward Budget

 About 2022 Seya Ward's unique ward development promotion costs

Last Updated February 9, 2022

Making Seya where you can feel happiness

 In order to realize the basic goal of the Seya Ward's management policy, "Creating Seya where happiness can be realized," we will share the issues of the ward with all agencies and make the most of the financial resources generated within a limited budget to solve the issues.
 As COVID-19 infections affect daily life, "Examination of" face-to-face relationships "in a different way, such as using ICT, as well as direct face-to-face responses," "Efforts for all residents to live with peace of mind," "Efforts to prepare for disasters such as heavy rains, and measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at evacuation centers," and "Enhance local disaster prevention capabilities to foster international horticulture that will be held in 20202020202027.

About promotion costs made with unique ward

 The promotion fee for the creation of a unique ward is a budget for the ward office, which is a base for familiar citizen services, to promote the creation of a unique ward according to local characteristics and needs.

  • Voluntary planning expenses: Operating expenses for the ward to respond to local issues and needs on its own.
  • Integrated administrative expenses: Office expenses of each ward office section and public information Yokohama ward version issuance, citizen consultation, expenses pertaining to activities such as youth instructors, etc.
  • management fee: Expenses related to the management and operation of ward government buildings and facilities for residents of the ward

Budget System

About independent planning business

1.Development of children and adolescents (18,381 thousand yen)

 In a situation where many families need assistance, such as little knowledge and experience of raising children, we will provide support from pregnancy so that all children can be born and raised healthy. In addition, in cooperation with local communities and schools, we support the healthy and enriched growth of young people, and provide learning support to elementary and junior high school students.
<Main business> Healthy Seyakko business, open up the future! Seyakko Business

2.Health promotion and enhancement of welfare (¥8,942 thousand)

 In order to foster a culture in which inhabitants of a ward work on health promotion, we will provide opportunities to trigger and create an environment where we can continue to work on it. In addition, we plan improvement of local health, the welfare by cooperation with local communities and welfare health activity groups.
<< Main business >> Health promotion business, community-based welfare health plan promotion business, community-based comprehensive care promotion business

3.Town development for safety and security (17,693 thousand yen)

 Measures against inundation in river basins such as the Sakaigawa River are required to improve disaster prevention capabilities and strengthen the medical system in the event of a disaster, based on measures against infectious diseases through the disaster drill. We will also promote awareness and improvement of traffic safety awareness in anti-crime program.
<<Main business >> Disaster countermeasures business, town safety support business

4.Creation of charm, promotion of inhabitant of a ward collaboration (43,354 thousand yen)

 Taking advantage of the opportunity to hold the International Horticultural Expo, through various initiatives utilizing Seya's local resources, we will create the appeal of Seya and disseminate it comprehensively and continuously to improve the degree of attachment to the area and the name recognition of the ward I will try. In addition, through collaboration with inhabitants of a ward who utilized ICT, exchange promotion between inhabitants of a ward, commerce and industry promotion, we plan activation of inhabitants of a ward activity and improvement of local power.
<<Main Business >> Seya's attractiveness transmission / attraction creation business, commercial and industrial energy improvement business

5.A ward office of empathy and trust (5,517 thousand yen)

 In order to realize a ward office that can meet trust and expectations, we will improve the services of visitors to the government through the implementation of staff training, the cooperation of Seyamaru supporters (guiding volunteers), and the improvement of the environment of the ward government building. In addition, we realize ward office close to inhabitant of a ward by improvement of public information, public hearing.
<<Main business >> Window service improvement business, public relations and public hearing cooperation business

About business plan

 Please see the following business plan for the details of business plan of promotion costs with unique ward.

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Seya Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division Budget Adjustment Section

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