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List of teachers registered in Nakaku Town

Last Updated March 8, 2025

Nakaku Town Teacher Guide

This is the cover of the teacher in the town.

  • "Nakaku Town Teacher Guide" was published in March 2024.
  • Information on those who have been registered after the booklet is published is also posted on this website as "Additional registrants" after the registration number.
  • You can download the introduction page by clicking on the teacher's name or group name you want to know more.
  • If you would like to know the contact information of a specific teacher, please contact the Citizens' Activities Center.

If you want to print one booklet, please click here. → "Teacher Guide of Nakaku Town" (PDF: 77,966KB)
(Additional items after the publication of the booklet are not included.)

By field

A.Music and Theater

Musical instrument performance, reading, etc.
Registration numberFields

Name and group name

A-1Accordion performance and instructionMio (PDF: 289KB)
A-2Guidance and performance of ukuleleYellow Ray (PDF: 326KB)
A-3Relax with musicMichiko Nagano (PDF: 332KB)


Accompaniment of the song and flute performanceUNIQUES(PDF:282KB)
A-5Guitar Performance and GuidanceAkihiko Hayashi (PDF: 264KB)
A-6Children's Music PlayTomokai Saito (PDF: 341KB)
A-7Singing salonZhentaka Tanigami (Harmonica Therapist) (PDF: 323KB)
A-8Whistle and piano sessionYokohama Sound Stream (PDF: 344KB)
A-9Have fun every day with whistleWind Song (PDF: 304KB)
A-10Voice trainingNaomi Yamanouchi (PDF: 342KB)
A-11ChorusNaomi Yamanouchi (PDF: 243KB)
A-12RakugoAkifutei Debt (PDF: 311KB)
A-13Panel theaterPanel Theater Group Tamatebako (PDF: 284KB)
A-14Theatre and ReadingHikaruko Mihime (PDF: 359KB)
A-15Reading and reading dramaNPO corporation voice garden (PDF: 244KB)
A-16Reading and MusicBlue Belles(PDF:320KB)
A-17A shadow pictureHonmoku Kageeza (PDF: 187KB)
A-18Puppet showFriends of the Forest (PDF: 317KB)
A-19 (Additional registrants)Hauta, folk song shamisen(PDF: 426KB)
A-20 (additional registrants)Performing musicUnique Tone (PDF: 232KB)
A-21 (Additional registrants)Singing (music)Small seeds (PDF: 269KB)

B.Multicultural Symbiosis

Foreign language, etc.
Registration number


Name and group name

B-1KoreanEiko Kin (PDF: 197KB)

International Exchange Advisor

B-3 (Additional registrants)Children's English conversationMore English Club(PDF:326KB)
B-4 (Additional registrants)ItalianSakurako(PDF:270KB)

C.Art and Crafts

Painting, manufacturing, etc.
Registration number


Name and group name

C-1Flower arrangementShampuri Lee Izumi (PDF: 324KB)
C-2Flower arrangementEmiko Uchiyama (PDF: 439KB)
C-3Flower arrangementStrawberry Fields (PDF: 339KB)
C-4Flower designHana Koboko Kozuka (PDF: 333KB)
C-5Flower designFushiro Nakazato (PDF: 345KB)
C-6Ikebana and flower arrangementYuki Hinuma (PDF: 337KB)
C-7Flower arrangement flower educationMon favori(PDF:351KB)

Flower arrangement
Table coordination

Tomoko Morita (PDF: 362KB)
C-9Making recycled vasesFour Seasons Bouquets (PDF: 347KB)
C-10Pressed flowerMayumi Uchiyama (PDF: 366KB) 
C-11TerrariumGREEN WAVE (Hiroe Akama) (PDF: 385KB)
C-13Watercolor paintingKunio Nakatani (PDF: 393KB)
C-14Painting instructionYuhiro Kimura (PDF: 325KB)
C-15Ink paintingMitsukashiwa (PDF: 171KB)
C-16Art and art educationNobuo Yamaguchi (PDF: 259KB)
C-17KiriAkira Kusunoki (PDF: 379KB)
C-18Coloring bookJunko Shichinohe (PDF: 337KB)
C-19Thor paintYukiko Kato (PDF: 371KB)
C-20Genki picture letter salonTadashi Kawaguchi (PDF: 175KB)
C-21Making handmade picture books and pop-up cardsTaeko Kuwabara (PDF: 225KB)
C-22Learning picture books and children's paintingsMinatomachi Children's Painting Association (PDF: 445KB)
C-23Painting and CraftsShumi Narusawa (PDF: 299KB)
C-24Painting and CraftsRyoko Higeshiro, antelier of the Wind (PDF: 339KB)
C-25ArtFriend Kobo Hidekatsu Shiraiwa (PDF: 290KB)
C-26DecoupageDecoupage BONBONS Yokohama (PDF: 409KB)
C-27Making My Tableware (Poserin Art)Sumie Fukaya (PDF: 352KB)

Making accessories (pure silver, DECO)

Sumie Fukaya (PDF: 318KB)
C-29Making accessories

Michiyo-t workshop, Takigawa Michiyo-t (PDF: 348KB)

C-30Making food samplesChizuru Iwamoto (PDF: 319KB)
C-31Beeswax wrap courseYukari Hirata (PDF: 326KB)
C-32Soap makingdelightful (PDF:328KB)
C-33Aromatherapy and medical herbtree house(PDF:333KB)
C-34Mixing Japanese incenseHibana Kaori (PDF: 353KB)
C-35Herb & Teagreen leaf(PDF:313KB)
C-36Architectureatelier HOW THINK(PDF:297KB)
C-37Production of string instrumentsYoshida Violin Studio (PDF: 319KB)
C-38Making stuffed animalsNPO Japan Stuffy Toy Association (PDF: 222KB)


Kazumi Ogiyama (PDF: 291KB)
C-40Knitting and handicrafts

Chieko Muta (Atelier Mu) (PDF: 415KB)

C-41Hand spinning and hand-wovenHand spinning and hand weaving workshop Alm (Kayo) (PDF: 313KB)
C-42Hand spinning, weaving, hand knittingTomoko Iio (PDF: 285KB)
C-43Threading artHiroko Inoue, a thread master bud (PDF: 358KB)
C-44 (Additional registrants)Medical aromatherapyGreen Drops(PDF:280KB)
C-45 (Additional registrants)PantomimeKie(PDF:297KB)
C-46 (Additional registrants)Ink paintingJunko Nakano (PDF: 314KB)

D.Practical and entertainment

Cooking, games, etc.
Registration number


Name and group name

D-1History Course in YokohamaNPO Yokohama City Guide Association (PDF: 296KB)
D-2History of YokohamaAkihiko Kato (PDF: 254KB)
D-3Shigetada Hatakeyama and FutamatagawaAkihiko Kato (PDF: 142KB)
D-4CalligraphyOikawa Hishijo (Sumibishikai) (PDF: 262KB)
D-5Calligraphy, hard brush (pen character, pencil)Yoshiko Yu Sato (PDF: 277KB)
D-6Moderator and narrationNaoko Futami (PDF: 283KB)
D-7DressingMasae Taguchi (PDF: 302KB)

Color course and personal color 
Color coordination

Kayoko Shimomura (PDF: 300KB)
D-9Color coordinationKyoko Yanatori (PDF: 293KB)
D-10Making icing cookiesEri Hirochi (PDF: 380KB)
D-11Science search experienceMasanobu Kubo (PDF: 193KB)
D-12MagicYUKI (PDF: 256KB)
D-13Arrangement and deliveryTakamotoko (PDF: 346KB)
D-14Original picture-story showSir ☆Tommy (PDF: 242KB)
D-15 (Additional registrants)Myanmar cuisineDokinchi (PDF: 317KB)
D-16 (Additional registrants)DressingMinagako Numa Sawa (PDF: 329KB)
D-17 (Additional registrants)Yakuzen dishOlive Kitchen (PDF: 375KB)

E.Information Technology

Personal computers, smartphones, etc.
Registration number


Name and group name

E-1Personal computerNon-profit organization Senior SOHO Yokohama / Kanagawa (PDF: 257KB)
E-2PCs and smartphonesShinichi Matsui (PDF: 144KB)
E-3ProgrammingHidenori Ishii (PDF: 275KB)
E-4Create a videoNK movie link(PDF:324KB)
E-5 (Additional registrants)Digital camera smartphoneKoji Kuroda (PDF: 309KB)
E-6 (Additional registrants)Design guidanceasuka(PDF:378KB)

F.Sports dance

Dance, exercise, etc.
Registration number


Name and group name

F-1Athletics and joggingYasuhiro Takeda (PDF: 271KB)
F-2Pole walkingMieko Oki (PDF: 313KB) 
F-3Hula dance

Hulaheremarier (PDF: 398KB)

F-4Hula danceHula Halau Yuukiaina(PDF:291KB)
F-5Hula danceHula Lei Makamae(PDF:314KB)
F-6FlamencoYoko Oba (PDF: 297KB)
F-7Jazz dance and tap danceMiwako Hashimoto (PDF: 280KB)
F-8Ballroom danceShall We Kannai (PDF: 330KB)
F-9Japanese dance exercise NOSSTaeko Miura (PDF: 312KB)
F-10yogaMayumi Toida (PDF: 342KB)
F-11yogaMayu Nomura (PDF: 291KB)
F-12yogaEito Shimizu (PDF: 288KB)
F-13Pilates ValletonSayuri(PDF:364KB)
F-14Easy body conditioning (exercise)Miwako Hashimoto (PDF: 168KB)
F-15Tai ChiMasako Ikeda (PDF: 195KB)
F-16Masamune Tai ChiHaruyuki Sakamoto, General Manager of Yokohama Branch of All Japan Juken Federation (PDF: 306KB)
F-17 (Additional registrants)ZUMBA GOLDNoko Kusuki (PDF: 330KB)
F-18 (Additional registrants)Tai ChiMieko Sano (PDF: 341KB)
F-19 (Additional registrants)yogaAmi(PDF:285KB)
F-20 (additional registrants)Yoga Yin YogaSakurako(PDF:192KB)
F-21 (Additional registrants)Kanefla (male hula dance)Carinamaramarama (PDF: 400KB)

G.Health and Welfare

Therapy, health-related, etc.
Registration number     


Name and group name

G-1Sign language danceJunko Takanashi (PDF: 378KB)
G-2Acupoints and Breathing Health MethodsEveryone's Qigong Club (PDF: 262KB)
G-3Crack exerciseTaeko Miura (PDF: 276KB)
G-4Stretching the lymphMiho Fukuzumi (PDF: 319KB)
G-5Posture guidance to prepare from the frameworkHiroaki Sugihara (PDF: 358KB) 
G-6Health and WelfareFoothills Place (PDF: 319KB)
G-7Self-moxibustionKyoko Takamatsu (PDF: 331KB)
G-8Children's Song Baby MassageKazuna Morisaki (PDF: 274KB)
G-9Baby Massage CourseYukari Hirata (PDF: 303KB)
G-10Sleep and RelaxationNemlinochikara (Yoshida Yoko) (PDF: 327KB)
G-11Improving sleepIsogo Suimin Hiroba (PDF: 295KB)
G-12Early prevention of dementiaTadashi Kawaguchi (PDF: 276KB)

❝Lecture on end-of-life
About old age assets, wills and graves

Iwao Sasaki (PDF: 288KB)
G-14Money and Special FraudAkihiko Kato (PDF: 276KB)
G-15Mom friend's trouble adviceHikaruko Mihime (PDF: 283KB)
G-16Voice Health CourseHikaruko Mihime (PDF: 342KB)
G-17Self-produceHikaruko Mihime (PDF: 283KB)
G-18Shakyo and cut-out pictureBano Endo (Dream) (PDF: 240KB)
G-19 (additional registrants)End-of-life seminarAkira Masuda (PDF: 280KB)
G-20 (additional registrants)Prevention of frail

Kanagawa welfare service promotion society frail prevention team (PDF: 291KB)

G-21 (Additional registrants)

Inheritance proceduresTakayoshi Tashiro (PDF: 392KB)

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Telephone: 045-224-8138

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