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Last Updated February 1, 2024

Road private use
Road occupation permission application (consultation) bookpdf version (PDF: 115KB)Excel version (Excel: 22KB)Person who is going to receive private use of road, please submit, and receive approval. Also, submission is required in the case of update or change.

(Example of use) ScaffoldNeighborhood Associations, Neighborhood Association bulletin boards, security lights, etc.

(attached documents) Information, floor plan, elevation, etc. 2 copies / (Administration Section)
Notification of abolition of road occupationpdf version (PDF: 106KB)Word version (word: 15KB)Please submit when you finish private use before the end period when you receive permission for road private use. None (attached documents) / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Road occupation rights transfer permission applicationpdf version (PDF: 105KB)Word version (word: 15KB)Please submit when transferring the right to be licensed for road occupation. None (attached documents) / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Road occupancy fee reduction / exemption applicationpdf version (PDF: 97KB)Word version (word: 17KB)When you apply for reduction of taxes of road private use charges by rule of Yokohama-shi private use charges regulations Article 6 Clause 1, please submit together with application. None (attached documents) / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Road self-financing construction
Application for approval of road construction, etc.To the page of Road and Highway Bureau Administration Division

Apply and receive approval when changing the structure of roads and roads managed by Yokohama City.
(Example of use) Drawing of sidewalks, etc. for vehicle entry, construction loading roads, etc.

(attached documents) Guide map, floor plan, cross section, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) 2 copies / (Submission destination) Road Section
Notification of commencement of road construction, etc.To the page of Road and Highway Bureau Administration Division

Please submit before starting construction approved in enforcement approval application such as road construction.

(attached documents) Process Schedule, etc. / (Number of copies to be submitted) Road Section
Notification of completion of road construction, etc.To the page of Road and Highway Bureau Administration Division

When the construction approved in the application form for approval of road construction is completed, submit it and undergo inspection by Public Works Office.

(attached documents) Guide map, photo/(number of copies submitted) 1 copyRoad Section
Notification of change / cancellation of road construction, etc.To the page of Road and Highway Bureau Administration Division

When you change construction approved in enforcement approval application such as road construction, please submit.

(attached documents) Guide map, floor plan, cross section, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) 1 copy / (Submission destination) Road Section
Road and waterway boundary survey
Application for boundary survey of roads and waterwayspdf version (PDF: 182KB)Word version (word: 44KB)

If you are going to apply for a boundary survey, please submit an application.

(attached documents) Consent Form, etc. / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Consent to the owner of the adjacent land registration formpdf version (PDF: 95KB)Word version (word: 44KB)

If you are applying for a boundary survey, please submit a witness consent form.

(attached documents) Process Schedule, etc. / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Road and waterway boundary survey map drawing transcript grant applicationpdf version (PDF: 84KB)Excel version (Excel: 22KB)

If you are going to apply for a copy of the boundary survey map, please submit it.
(attached documents) Guide map, official map, local measurement map 
      ※There is an additional document for the application for shortening.
1 (Number of copies submitted) Administration Section

Roads and waterways, etc. Boundary Survey Map Copy Certification Grant Applicationpdf version (PDF: 73KB)Excel version (Excel: 22KB)Person who is going to apply for copy proof of boundary investigation figure, please submit.

(attached documents) I would like to obtain certification from a copy of the boundary survey map for roads and waterways.

      Borders marked in red

1 (Number of copies submitted) Administration Section

Request for Road width certificate
Request for Road width certificatepdf version (PDF: 108KB)Word version (word: 33KB)

Please submit when you want confirmation of road width and issuance of certificate.

(Commissions) Yokohama City Revenue certificate stamp 300 yen per case (please purchase at the nearest ward office)

2 copies / Administration Section (to which submission is submitted)
Development (Roads)
Discussion (change consultation) proposal form on public facilities (roads) accompanying development activitiespdf version (PDF: 159KB)Word version (word: 37KB)

Please submit when you perform Town Planning and Zoning Act Article 32 discussion (road) of development activity.

(attached documents) Attachment/(Number of copies submitted) Administration Section
Confirmation of drainage plan
Application for confirmation of drainage facilities (remodeling of flush toilets) planpdf version (PDF: 245KB)Excel version (Excel: 57KB)

The person who installs the drainage system should submit a plan confirmation application.

(attached documents) Information, floor plan, elevation, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) Administration Section
Completed construction of drainage facilities (remodeled flush toilet) registration formpdf version (PDF: 110KB)Excel version (Excel: 32KB)

Person who installs drainage system, please submit when the construction is completed.

(attached documents) Guide map, floor plan, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) 1 copy / (Submission destination) Administration Section
Confirmation of rainwater infiltration masu installation examinationpdf version (PDF: 229KB)Excel version (Excel: 802KB)

When the person installing the drainage system submits the drainage system plan confirmation application, please attach it to the drainage system plan confirmation application.

None (attached documents) / (Number of copies submitted) 1 copy / (Submission:

Please download various styles about sewer self-financing construction on Environmental Planning Bureau web page.

Private use of waterways
Sewer private use permission applicationpdf version (PDF: 227KB)Word version (word: 79KB)

Person who is going to receive private use of waterway or public sewer site, please submit, and receive approval.

(attached documents) Information, plane, cross section, property details, quadrature map, etc.

(No. of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Development-related (sewage)
Drainage drainage examination request for development projects less than 1,000 m2pdf version (PDF: 189KB)Word version (word: 52KB)

Please submit if you are undergoing a drainage screening for a development project of less than 1,000m2.

(attached documents) Location Map, Plan Plan for Drainage Facilities, Drainage Output Statement, Basin Map, etc.

(Number of copies to be submitted) 2 copies / (Submission destination) Sewer Park Section
Others (Sewerage)
Public sewer temporary use permission applicationpdf version (PDF: 173KB)Word version (word: 34KB)

Apply when temporarily discharging drainage from construction sites to the public sewer, and receive permission.
(attached documents) Guide map, floor plan, sewer ledger, process schedule, sewage discharge statement, etc.

(Number of copies submitted) 3 copies / Administration Section
Digging near the public sewer registration formpdf version (PDF: 171KB)Word version (word: 33KB)

Please submit when you dig up the area near the public sewer.
(attached documents) Information, planes, cross-sections, sewer ledgers, etc.

(Number of copies to be submitted) 2 copies / (Submission destination) Sewer Park Section
Property installation and private use permission applicationpdf version (PDF: 109KB)Word version (word: 34KB)Please apply when you install article in public sewer facility and receive private use of public sewer facility.
Application for Opinion Statementpdf version (PDF: 99KB)Word version (word: 29KB)

If you use the sewer on land that has not been notified in the notification area, please apply for a statement of position.
(attached documents) Information, placement (plane), longitudinal section, etc.

1 (Number of copies submitted) Administration Section
Private road measures contracted sewerage construction survey request formpdf version (PDF: 212KB)Excel version (Excel: 165KB)Please apply when you maintain the sewer on a private road in the notification area.
Permission to act in the park
Act permission application in parkpdf version (PDF: 128KB)Excel version (Excel: 33KB)

Person who is going to receive act permission of park, please submit. Please submit "traffic, parking permission application in park (PDF: 86KB)" for traffic of vehicle in park.
(Example of use) Festivals and gatherings of Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Associations in the park

(attached documents) Information, plane, elevation, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) Administration Section
Act permission application in park (for photography)pdf version (PDF: 83KB)Excel version (Excel: 34KB)

Person who is going to receive act permission of park, please submit. Please submit "traffic, parking permission application in park (PDF: 86KB)" for traffic of vehicle in park.

(Example of use) TV, photography, etc.

(attached documents) Information, plane, elevation, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) Administration Section
Permission to set up park facilities
Park facility setting permission applicationpdf version (PDF: 58KB)Excel version (Excel: 33KB)

Please submit it when you set up facilities in the park.
[Example] Park Protection Association Warehouse, disaster prevention storage in Neighborhood Association and Neighborhood Associations, fire equipment storage in fire brigade, etc.

(attached documents) Location Map, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) 1 copy / (Submission destination) Administration Section
Park private use permission applicationpdf version (PDF: 129KB)Excel version (Excel: 33KB)

Person who is going to receive private use permission of park, please submit, and please receive approval.
[Example] Private use of bulletin boards, telephone poles, water pipes, etc. in Neighborhood Associations and Neighborhood Association, and temporary use of construction work for private use.

(attached documents) Location Map, etc. / (Number of copies submitted) 1 copy / (Submission destination) Administration Section
Notification of completion of park facility installation (private use) constructionpdf version (PDF: 52KB)Excel version (word: 30KB)

Please submit when setting construction of park facility and private use article was completed.

None (attached documents) / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Notification of abolition of park facility setting (management, private use)pdf version (PDF: 52KB)Excel version (Excel: 32KB)

Please submit when you are going to abolish management of facility which we installed in park or private use.

None (attached documents) / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section
Notification of restoration of the parkpdf version (PDF: 101KB)Excel version (word: 31KB)

Please submit when you restore park by the abolition of park facilities or private property.

None (attached documents) / (Number of copies to be submitted) Administration Section

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