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Midori Ward 50th Anniversary Commemorative Project

Last Updated February 5, 2020

Hometown Midori Ward Business

Midori Ward celebrated its 50th anniversary in October 2019. In addition to celebrating its 50th anniversary, Midori Public Works Office conducted three projects to connect Midori Ward's rich nature, agriculture, lively daily life, and cultivated regional bonds to the next generation. The catchphrase is "Green Colorful Connection to Tomorrow", and we will introduce each business we have conducted to aim for a more attractive town.

Furusato Midori Ward Design Manhole Business (12 locations in the ward)

In cooperation with elementary schools, elementary school students created and installed manholes designed for the charm and future image of Midori Ward.

Hometown Midori Ward Tree Planting Project (11 locations in the ward)

We had all the members of the Union Neighborhood Association and local children planted a commemorative tree of street trees, a symbol of the city's greenery, and handed over the rich greenery to the next generation.

Hometown Midori Ward Mural Project (7 locations in the ward)

Elementary and junior high school students painted murals on structures such as parks and road retaining walls under the theme of "the future of the town where they live."


☆Click here for more details.↓

Installation distribution map
Distribution map of design manholes, tree planting, mural installation

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Midori Ward Green Public Works Office

Telephone: 045-981-2100

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Page ID: 737-941-629

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