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Takeharu Yamanaka, The Mayor of Yokohama
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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Mayor's Room The Mayor of Yokohama Takeharu Yamanaka
  3. Photo diary
  4. Photo Diaries FY2024
  5. Photo Diary May 2024
  6. Greetings were given at the opening ceremony of the "2024 Yokohama-Korea Lively Festival" on Saturday, May 18

Greetings were given at the opening ceremony of the "2024 Yokohama-Korea Lively Festival" on Saturday, May 18

Last Updated May 23, 2024

"2024 Yokohama Japan-Korea Niwa Nigiwai Festival" was held at Zounohana Park, and a celebration greeting was given at the opening ceremony.
Yokohama has deepened intercity exchanges with Korean cities such as Busan Metropolitan City, Incheon Metropolitan City, Incheon Metropolitan City, and Seoul Special City. The venue was filled with the enthusiasm of many people enjoying a variety of programs.
We hope that this event will lead to friendship and friendship between Yokohama and South Korea.

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