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Greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal

※This page is the page of "Yokohama 3R Dream (Slim) Plan", which is the former Yokohama City General Waste Management Basic Plan. At present, we carry out based on "Yokohamapra 5.3 (garbage) plan".

Last Updated February 10, 2025

Results of calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in FY2022

With the cooperation of citizens and businesses, greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal were 239,000 tons, a reduction of 43,000 tons (15.2%) compared to the base year (2009). Was.

Greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal

Greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal (unit: 10,000 tons-CO2)
Fiscal year Greenhouse gas emissions Base year difference





(base year)


Remarks 1: Figures in parentheses indicate the ratio to fiscal 2009 (base year).
Remarks 2: Since the “electricity emission factor” used in calculating greenhouse gases has fluctuated significantly, the emission factor of the base year (FY21) has been corrected since FY2013.
Remarks 3: The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions is based on the incineration of garbage, the operation of facilities such as offices and factories, and the driving of vehicles, and the reduction effect of garbage power generation is added.

Past data

Targets, ideas, and effects of greenhouse gas emissions in the Yokohama 3R Dream Plan

Inquiries to this page

Policy Coordination Division, Policy Coordination Division, Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Policy Coordination Department

Telephone: 045-671-4565

Telephone: 045-671-4565

Fax: 045-550-4239

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