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Photo library

Photo materials for Yokohama Wind Power Plant (Hama Wing) are available. You can download and use your favorite photo materials, such as flyers for tour recruitment and environmental reports. When using, please refer to "About use" listed below.

Last update date April 10, 2024

Photographic material (Hama Wing)

Click the Hama Wing photo and save the displayed photo material in a file and use.

About use

Please use the photos on this site after confirming and consenting the following items.

  • The copyright and license rights of the photographic materials belong to Yokohama City.
  • With the permission of Yokohama City, commercialization using images and the creation and sale of products that depend on the commerciality of the photograph itself is prohibited. (Example: postcards and calendars for sale, digital data collection. Label packaging for beverages, confectionery, souvenirs, etc.)
  • Duplication, sale, distribution, transfer, or lend photo materials without permission from Yokohama City is prohibited.
  • Use that violates public order and morals is prohibited.
  • Use that may significantly help political or religious activities of a specific organization (individual person) is prohibited.
  • Additional work and use that may damage the image of the photographic material is prohibited.
  • The user is responsible for the use of photo materials and the results thereof. Yokohama City will not be liable for any disadvantage or damage caused to the user due to the change, interruption or suspension of this site.
  • When using, please put one of the following credit notations in the image, near the image, or in the text.

    Yokohama Wind Power Plant (Hama Wing)
    Yokohama City Wind Power Plant
    Yokohama Wind Power

  • If you use photo materials, please provide one copy of the printed matter, such as printed matter to the following contact information. In the case of homepages, etc., URL or PDF data may be provided.
  • If you use photo materials after understanding and consent of each of the above items, you do not need to apply.

If you have any questions, please contact the following person in charge.
Yokohama City Decarbonization/GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau Carbon Neutral Business Promotion Division Wind Vehicle Section (231-0005 6-50-10, Honmachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
Phone: 045-671-4225
Fax: 045-550-3925

For inquiries to this page

Decarbonization and GREEN × EXPO Promotion Bureau Carbon Neutral Business Promotion Section

Phone: 045-671-4225

Phone: 045-671-4225

Fax: 045-550-3925

Email address:

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Page ID: 462-477-464


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