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Okurayama Park (Kohoku Ward)

Last Updated July 22, 2019

District parks where plums are in full bloom in spring

Okurayama Park, famous for its plum blossoms, is located on a hill next to Okurayama Station in Toukyu Toyoko Line.
This park, located in a quiet residential area, offers a lush green environment, and in particular, the Bairin and Okurayama Memorial Hall are visited by many customers.
At Bairin, about 220 plums of 46 species, including Shirakaga and Bungo, are in full bloom in the spring, and the Okurayama Kanbaikai is held around February every year, which is full of many visitors. At the time of the Kanmeikai, a special stage will be set up in Bairin, where Japanese drums, Soranbushi, dance, lion dance, koto and shakuhachi will be performed. In front of the stage, "Nodo" is held, so many customers can enjoy the meal.
The Okurayama Memorial Hall is a pre-herenic-style chalk Hall of Fame, which is rare in Japan, and is a valuable building designated as a tangible cultural property of Yokohama City. Originally the building of the Okurayama Institute of Mental and Cultural Studies, the memorial hall is widely used as a place for citizens to relax, along with events using galleries and concerts in halls.

About the park

At Okurayama Park, you can enjoy the seasonal scenery.

About park

Location: 2-10, Okurayama, Kouhoku-ku
Opening: October 27, 1984
Area: 69,404㎡
Access: 7 minutes walk from Toukyu Toyoko Line Okurayama Station

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