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About approach of Yamashita district

Last Updated April 20, 2023

Overview of Activities

Overview of Activities
Organization name The Yamashita District Safety and Security Community Development Council
Members Chairman of the Association of Yamashita Districts and 16 others
District Overview

・Triangular area surrounded by Tsurumi River and Onda River
(Agricultural land along the river and residential areas are developed in the central hills.)
・Approximately 7,500 households (aging rate: 25.6%)

Progress of Initiatives
April, 2014 Yamashita district security and security town development plan formulation ("enhancement of transportation network in district" is positioned as policy of town development)
December, 2016 Start of demonstration operation
April, 2019 Start of full-scale operation (voluntary operation by region)

Major Roles in Review

Operating entity
(Yamashita District Safety and Security Community Development Council)

・Operation and operation of the support bus for the Yamashita area

・Subsidy for automobile insurance premiums, vehicle inspection statutory expenses, etc.
・Support for full-scale operation

Inquiries to this page

Urban Transportation Division, Urban Transportation Department, Urban Development Bureau

Telephone: 045-671-3800

Telephone: 045-671-3800

Fax: 045-663-3415

Email address:

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Page ID: 581-662-903


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