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- Regional Public Transport Measures
- Efforts to "increase" local public transport
- (Old system: until 2024) Yokohama-shi area transportation support business
- Flow of local transportation support business and contents of support
Here's the text.
Flow of local transportation support business and contents of support
The general flow consists of the following five steps. However, it depends on the characteristics and conditions of the region, so please contact the following inquiries for details.
Last Updated June 5, 2023
In addition, as a support for local initiatives, we will provide support for local initiatives.
- Dispatch of city officials and experts
- Aggregation and analysis of questionnaires
- Formulation of operation plans tailored to the local situation
- If the profitability of the business is expected, demonstration operation by the operating company
We conduct such activities in accordance with the outlines.
Support system for each stage of local activities
Step 0: Preliminary consultation
Please consult with the ward office Ward Administration Promotion Division or Urban Development Bureau Urban Transportation Division about issues related to local movement.
The person in charge visits the area, organizes issues related to local movement, and advises on the direction of activities.
Step 1: Establishment of Regional Organizations
- Registration of local community development groups
Establish a study organization with five or more residents who will consider local movement.
If a study organization can be established, it is a condition that you register with the "Local Community Development Group" determined by the Local Community Development Promotion Ordinance.
As for the procedure of registration, please see about local town development group registration system (page of Urban Development Bureau area town development section).
Step 2
(1)Consideration for solving traffic problems
Investigate the movement of local people (transportation, frequency, destination, etc.) and traffic conditions (roads, route buses, etc.) to accurately grasp local needs.
Organize the prerequisites for the realization of the plan, and consult with the transportation company where some studies have progressed.
(2)Examination of route planning and adjustment of bus stop position
We will consider the operation plan necessary for demand forecasting with transportation companies.
In formulating the operation plan, the transportation company confirms that business profitability can be secured.
(3)Conducting questionnaire surveys
After the operation plan is finalized, a questionnaire survey will be conducted to predict demand.
Based on the results of the questionnaire, we estimate demand and determine the possibility of realization.
(4)Determination of service routes and bus stops
If there is a possibility, the traffic manager (police), road manager (mainly Public Works Office), and the transportation company will be present to confirm that safe and smooth operation routes and bus stops are arranged.
In addition, local people play a central role in negotiations for local agreement of service route and bus stop.
(5)Examination and implementation of measures to promote use
In order for many people to use it, local excitement is necessary.
We will examine and implement a method that can widely disseminate the content of our efforts.
- Subsidies for local activities
We will provide some subsidies for expenses necessary for activities such as examinations for solving traffic problems and conducting questionnaire surveys, dispatch of coordinators, etc.
Specifically, please see local town development support system (page of Urban Development Bureau area town development section).
※Depending on the situation, during demonstration operation and after full-scale operation are also eligible.
Step 3: Demonstration Operation
After the consent of the service route and the bus stop is obtained, the transportation company will present the operating expenses required for full-scale operation to the local people, and a demonstration operation will be performed.
Local people, I would like active use of bus with bus use enlightenment.
- Support for demonstration operation
We examine service plans of proof service and, when we judge that we meet standard, assist about deficit of service expense and initial cost.
Step 4: Full-scale operation
Verify the results of the demonstration operation, etc., and if the transportation company determines that there is a certain number of customers and that there is a prospect for securing business profitability, it will shift to full-scale operation through the local public transport meeting as necessary .
Inquiries to this page
Urban Transportation Division, Urban Transportation Department, Urban Development Bureau
Telephone: 045-671-3800
Telephone: 045-671-3800
Fax: 045-663-3415
Email address: tb-chikikotsu@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 610-724-409