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Canal renovation and abolition procedures

Last updated July 25, 2024

About renovation and abolition of waterways

There are two types of waterways that exist throughout the city: a waterway where water actually flows, and a so-called "crushed waterway" where the waterway function has disappeared due to the spread of sewers. About crushed waterway, if Yokohama-shi confirms the site and determines that it is not necessary for the city to manage it as a waterway, it can be paid to neighboring landowners.
If there is a crushed waterway on the road site, you can also perform "replacement to the road".
If the waterway structure is in the private area, you can also receive donations for the waterway land.

About application procedure for renewal or abolition of waterways

Person who is hoped for revision or abolition of waterway needs presentation of "prior investigation request book with waterway revision or abolition" to perform preliminary investigation that Motoichi investigates possibility of waterway revision or abolition. After submission, a field survey will be conducted with Public Works Office to determine whether or not the waterway will be abolished, and the details will be notified to the applicant in the “Preliminary Survey Response Form”.
If the conditions set forth in the Preliminary Survey Answer Form are met, if you submit an Application for Change of Waterways, you will register real estate through a part-time registration of Yokohama City, and you will register prices, sales contracts, and registration of ownership transfer in Finance Bureau.
Please make a reservation in advance when consulting or applying for a waterway revision or abolition procedure at the counter. (Sewerage River Bureau River Management Section: 045-671-2856)

Application destination

River Management Division, Sewerage River Bureau
In charge of transfer of authority and asset management
(21st floor of City Hall)

Application Procedure

You can check the procedure method and download the style from the link below.

Waterway change application related

Article 32 of the City Planning Act

Attribution of waterways and application for change

Inquiries to this page

Sewer River Bureau River Department River Management Section Delegation of authority and asset management

Telephone: 045-671-2856

Telephone: 045-671-2856

Fax: 045-664-5873

Email address:

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Page ID: 920-577-082


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