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Can I get the nuts and fruits of the street trees?

Last update date June 18, 2020


Tree nuts such as acorns and ginkgo (*) of street trees can be picked up and taken home as long as they are falling.
※Ginkgo contains allergic substances. Depending on your constitution, you may be wearing it, so be careful not to pick it up with your bare hands.

Contact information
(1) Maintenance of street trees where the location can be identified: Public Works Office in each ward
(2) About general street tree question: Road and Highway Bureau Facility Chart: 045-671-2786

<Related Websites>
Street trees in Yokohama (Road and Highway Bureau Facility Division)

For inquiries to this page

Road and Highway Bureau Road Department Facilities Division

Phone: 045-671-2786

Phone: 045-671-2786

Fax: 045-651-5443

Email address:

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Page ID: 590-882-398


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