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Kamigo Koda Line (Koda District)

Last update date April 1, 2024

City planning road Kamigo Koda Line is a city planning road with a length of about 3.2 km starting from Kamigo-cho, Sakae-ku and ending at Koda-cho, Sakae-ku. Of these, the Koda area is a section of about 1.7 km in length from the vicinity of Katsuradai Daishi Park to Katsuracho Intersection, and has been conducting business since 2002.
Currently, we are proceeding with land acquisition and road maintenance work for the early start of operation.

Business Overview
Business DistrictsKamigo Koda Line (Koda District)
SectionKodacho, Sakae-ku (near Katsuradai Daishi Park)-Koda-cho, Sakae-ku (Katsuracho Intersection)
Fiscal yearFY14 to FY12
ScaleAbout 1,700m in length, standard width 27m (tunnel part), 32m (general part)
Improvement effect

◆Improvement of transportation convenience and enhancement of transportation functions
It is possible to reduce congestion on Ring Route 4, where traffic congestion is remarkable, and traffic convenience with surrounding areas will be improved. By connecting the Yokohama Loop South Line with the (tentative name) Koda Interchange, the access function to the Tomei Expressway and the Chuo Expressway Road will be improved.
◆Optimization of traffic flow
Many vehicles that use roads in residential areas as loopholes to avoid congestion will use the Kamigo Koda Line, which will reduce traffic on roads in residential areas.

Business Progress Rate ※1

53% (end of March 31, 2023) ※Total 3 Districts
Land acquisition rate99% (as of March 31, 2023) ※Total 3 Districts
Current construction
Contract details

◆Main local road Harajuku Rokutsuura (Koda area) Road maintenance work (Part 1)
(Construction site) From 445, Kodacho, Sakae-ku to 461
(Contract date) February 22, 2024
(Construction period) June 28, 2024
(Contract amount) 156,427,700 yen
(Contractor) Yokohama Construction Co., Ltd.
◆Main local road Harajuku Rokutsuura (Koda area) Road maintenance work (Part 2)
(Construction site) From 445, Kodacho, Sakae-ku to 461
(Contract date) March 22, 2024
(Construction period) June 28, 2024
(Contract amount) 74,880,300 yen
(Other party to the contract) Mount Taien Co., Ltd.
◆City planning road Kamigo Koda Line (Koda District) Road Construction
 ※This construction was completed on March 29, 2024. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Related information

◆You can look at administrative map information such as city planning from Yokohama-shi administration map information (outside site).

RemarksOn October 23, 2014, a business certification application was made to the Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture in a section of about 1.6 km out of the approximately 1.7 km of the Kamigo Koda Line (Koda area).
Outline of business certification application
Scope of entrepreneurs
Approximately 1.6km from Keidai Nishi 2-chome, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi to Koda-cho, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi

※1. The business progress rate is shown as the execution rate of total project cost.

Near Katsuracho Intersection (as of March 31, 2024)

For inquiries to this page

Road and Highway Bureau Construction Department, Construction Department

Phone: 045-671-3521

Phone: 045-671-3521

Fax: 045-663-8993

Email address:

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Page ID: 244-055-209


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