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What's New

For information from Yokohama City Library, please visit the City Library top page.

Last Updated August 27, 2024

What's New

Requests for Reuse Bunko and Book Donation

Reuse Bunko

Kanazawa Library is asking for cooperation in "Reuse Bunko", which reuses books that have been read, and "Book Donation" to further enhance materials.

Reuse Bunko is a business that reuses unused books to make effective use of resources.
Please feel free to bring it to the library counter.

  • Books that fall under the following are not allowed to be brought in.
  1. Remarkably dirty or damaged
  2. The purpose of advertising for profit, promotion of political and religious activities
  3. Those that hinder the healthy development of young people
  • Books brought to the reuse library may be donated to the library.

Donation of books

In donating books, we ask you to donate books with many reservations and materials related to the Kanazawa Ward.

  • The handling of the donated books will be left to the library.
  • Please fill out the donation application form.

Regular talks, knees and other talks

Once a month, we hold a talk session for children who can listen to the story alone and a parent-child talk session for children aged 1 to 2 years. .
For more information, please refer to the following page.

Inquiries to this page

Board of Education Secretariat Kanazawa Library

Telephone: 045-784-5861

Telephone: 045-784-5861

Fax: 045-781-2521

Email address:

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Page ID: 698-703-341


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